D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January/February 2005


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

Back Issues


Student Research Conference: From Silos to Integration

This year the HPME Graduate Student Union will host its first Student Research Conference as a companion event to the annual HPME Research Day. The conference, "From Silos to Integration: Can we Reform Primary Care in Ontario?" will be held on the morning of the HPME Research Day and will consist of concurrent oral student presentations and an expert panel presentation followed by a luncheon.

May 4, 2005


Concurrent Oral Presentations: 9-10:30 am

Panel Discussion: 11-12:30 pm

Luncheon: 12:30-2pm

The Student Research Conference will be followed by HPME Research Day poster presentations, keynote speaker and awards ceremony and a wine and cheese reception. (See write-up under Office of the Chair in this issue of NewsBytes.)

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts are currently being accepted for student oral presentations. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Conference Planning Group, and a limit of fifteen abstracts will be selected for presentation. Please submit your abstract to the Conference Planning Group at gsu.hpme@utoronto.ca using the Call for Abstract Form.

Abstracts Due: Monday, March 21, 2005

For more information on the conference, see the HPME GSU website: http://hpme.sa.utoronto.ca or the Preliminary program and conference information [Adobe PDF].

Student Awards: Rueda, Valiquette, Virani, Aslanyan

Sergio Rueda, PhD student in clinical epidemiology, has been awarded a two-year $256,500 Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN) grant as principal investigator of the study, "Effects of Cannabis on Body Weight, Food Intake, and Appetite Stimulation in HIV/AIDS: An Open-Label, Single Arm, Dose Titration Study".

Louis Valiquette, PhD student in clinical epidemiology, has had a protocol he designed during the non-experimental design course funded by the CIHR. He and co-principal investigator Allison McGeer will lead the study, "Derivation of clinical prediction rules to identify patients with complicated outcomes after the diagnosis of clostridium difficile associated diarrhea" which has been funded at $255,777 over 3 years.

Tazim Virani, PhD student in health administration, has been awarded a $25,000 Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) doctoral fellowship.

Garry Aslanyan, Senior Health Advisor with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and a PhD student under Drs. Raisa Deber, David Zakus and James Leake (Dentistry) has been elected as the President of the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) for a three-year term starting in January 2005. Founded in 1949, the OPHA is a voluntary, charitable association that provides leadership on issues affecting the public's health and strengthens the impact of people who are active in public and community health throughout Ontario.

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