D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


January/February 2005


Office of the Chair



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Other Notables

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Other Notables

HPME and Senior Link Symposium on Community Services

In collaboration with the Medicare to Home and Community (M-THAC ) Research Unit and Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University, HPME and Neighbourhood Link/Senior Link present a two day symposium:

From Idea to Action: Community Services in the Continuum of Care

March 30-31, 2005

Flyer [ PDF ]

The discussion will be led by local leaders and top international expert, Dr. David Challis, Professor of Community Care Research and Director of Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) University of Kent, The London School of Economics and the University of Manchester . The symposium will focus on the role of community services in the continuum of care, the current state of community support services in Ontario and nationally, growing evidence on costs and outcomes, and the challenges and opportunities in moving forward, locally and globally.

Spaces are filling up quickly! To reserve your space, please call 416-691-7407 or email your contact information to symposium@senior-link.com.

New Journal Has Name: Healthcare Policy

Longwoods Publishing, The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) and Editor-in-Chief Brian Hutchison are pleased to announce the birth of the new quarterly journal, Healthcare Policy, and to issue the journal's first call for papers. Members of the editorial board include HPME's Colleen Flood and Pascale Lehoux .

Longwoods Publishing anticipates that the first issue of the journal will be available (electronically and in print) by late summer or early fall 2005. For more information on submitting a paper for peer review or on becoming a reviewer, please contact Managing Editor Dianne Foster-Kent at dkent@longwoods.com.

Centre for Faculty Development 2005 Workshops

The Centre for Faculty Development (CFD) is a collaboration between St. Michael's Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine to provide instructional development, career development and mentoring, interprofessionalism, professionalism and health professional leadership to members of the Faculty of Medicine. The CFD will be holding the workshops on using IT in teaching, adult learning, presentation skills, teaching as a 3D art, using PowerPoint, planning continuing education sessions, models of on-line instruction and interprofessional education from February to April 2005.

Some of these have already filled up and have waiting list spots only, so be sure to reserve your space soon. For more information and to register, visit the CFD website.

+ + I N   T H E   N E W S + +

The following HPME faculty were in the major media recently:

Donald Redelemeier (Winnipeg Free Press) September 30, 2004 : Traffic cameras working

Colleen Flood (Globe and Mail) January 13, 2005: A boy's plight, a nation's problem

Ross Baker (Globe and Mail) January 20, 2005: Medical mistakes kill: Why don't officials act?

Raisa Deber (Winnipeg Free Press) January 21, 2005 : Klein's 'third way' is wrong road

Wendy Levinson (USNews.com) January 25, 2005 : Who will take care of you?

Muhammad Mamdani (CBC.ca) February 1, 2005 : Concerns grow over Alzheimer drugs

Stephen Hwang (Canadian Press) February 2, 2005 : 15-year life expectancy gap between B.C. and far North

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