D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


May/June 2004


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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Office of the Chair

CMAJ Website Receives 25,000 Hits on Canadian Adverse Events Study

“The Canadian Adverse Events Study: the incidence of adverse events in hospital patients in Canada” , authored by HPME's Ross Baker , University of Calgary's Peter Norton, and others, was published in the May 25 edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). As the first national study of patient safety, the adverse events study has received overwhelming attention in the major media and from health researchers, health decision-makers, and governmental and non-governmental bodies across Canada.

The CMAJ website has received over 25,000 hits related to the adverse events article, more hits than any single on-line publication has received in the journal's history.

Based on the use of methods comparable to recent studies in other countries, the Canadian Adverse Events Study reported that 7.5 per cent of people hospitalized in Canada have experienced an adverse event as a result of their care. Canada ranks moderately, between the countries with the lowest (US = 2.9%) and highest ( Australia = 16.6%) rate of adverse events. According to study authors, hospital care in Canada is safe for the vast majority of patients, but system-level changes are required to create a culture of patient safety and reduce the number of adverse events. The adverse events study promises to have far-reaching effects on the delivery of healthcare in Canada.

For more details about this study, see the Research section of this newsletter.

Vivek Goel Appointed Provost and Vice President

The Governing Council has approved the appointment of Vivek Goel (Department of HPME) as University of Toronto Vice-President and Provost for a five-year term, effective June 1, 2004 to June 30, 2009.  As Provost, Dr. Goel will be the University's Chief Academic Officer and Chief Budget Officer and will lead the academic planning process. Within the UofT community, Dr. Goel has served as:

  • Interim Provost since February 1, 2004
  • Deputy Provost since 2003
  • Vice-Provost, Faculty since 2001
  • Governing Council member, 1998-2001
  • Vice-Chair, Academic Board, 2000-2001
  • Chair, Department of HPME (formerly Health Administration), 1999-2001

Vivek Goel is a full professor within the Department of HPME and is cross-appointed to the Department of Public Health Sciences. He is also an adjunct senior scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and a co-investigator at the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation at the University Health Network.

Research Day Awards

The Department of HPME's held its Annual Research Day on Tuesday, May 4, 2004. The winners of awards were:

Thomas & Edna Naylor Memorial Award
Best MSc/PhD Thesis in
Health Services Research

Sophie Jamal (supervisor - Gillian Hawker) / Steven R. Cummings / Gillian A. Hawker,
"Isosorbide Mononitrate Increases Bone Formation and Decreases Bone Resorption in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Trial"

Eugenie Stuart Award
Excellence in Teaching A. Paul Williams

Ted Goldberg Award
Most Promising PhD Student Xiaolin Wei (supervisor - David Zakus)

Claire Bombardier Award
Most Promising Student (2)
(Clinical Epidemiology)

Jay K. Riva-Cambrin
(MSc - supervisor - Allan Detsky)

Jill Hayden
(PhD - supervisor - Claire Bombardier)

Harold Livergant Award
Outstanding MHSc Year 1 Student
in the field of Complex Continuing Care

Lynn Guerriero

Maureen Dixon Award
Student most likely to make an outstanding contribution to a community based agency or long term care

Jill Hayden (supervisor - Claire Bombardier) / M. van Tulder / A. Malmivaara / B. Koes / C. Bombardier / R. Reardon / G. Tomlinson,
"Framework and results from a comprehensive approach to systematic review: Exercise therapy for treatment of low back pain"

Mahyar Etminan Award
Clinical Epidemiology - Year 1 Student

Kourosh Afshar

Robert Duff Barron Graduate Scholarship
MHSc - academic excellence and leadership in the area of public health policy

Heather Logan

PhD Poster Awards
Eugene Vayda Award -
First Place
Andrea D. Furlan (supervisor - Claire Bombardier) / Claire Bombardier,
"Search terms in Medline and Embase associated with non-randomized studies of health care interventions"

HPME Student Union Award - Second Place

Xiaolin Wei (supervisor - David Zakus),
"Using a Modified Version of the Primary Care Assessment Survey to Measure Continuity of Care in Diabetes Patients in Shanghai, China "

MSc Poster Awards
HPME Student Union Award -
First Place
Nadine Shehata (supervisor - Gary Naglie) / K. Wilson / P. Hebert / D. Mazer / D. Streiner / G. Naglie,
"Why do Patients Undergoing Coronary Revascularization Receive Red Cell Transfusions"

Second Place

Dennis T. Ko (supervisor - Jack V. Tu) / Alice M. Newman / Douglas S. Lee / Peter C. Austin / Linda R. Donovan / JacK V. Tu,
"Under-utilization of Effective Treatments in Diabetic Patients Admitted with Acute Myocardial Infarction"

MHSc Poster Awards
G.B. Rosenfeld Award -
First Place (tie)
Suganya Kodeeswaran,
"The Ontario Tumour Bank - An Important New Resource for Cancer Research"

  Elena Holt / L. Thompson / H. Angus / F. Bacchus,
"CCO Provincial Care Plan"

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