D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


May/June 2004


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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3rd Annual Pre-convocation Brunch Enjoyed by All

Graduates, family, friends, faculty, staff, and alumni all gathered at the Faculty Club on Wednesday June 2, 2004 to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2004 .  The brunch was very well attended and gave family members an opportunity to mingle and meet the many people they have heard about over the years.

The Department of HPME Proudly Presents
the Class of 2004 – June Convocation


Linda Li
Peter Tsasis
Caterina Valentino


MSc Health Administration

Ophyr Mourad
Maciej Witkos

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (Thesis)

Sudeep Gill
Tommy Ho
Tony Otley
Raj Padwal

Julie Spence
Aziz Walele
Robert Wu

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (non-Thesis)

Tommy Ho

Diploma in Health Administration

Bo Yon (Linda) Choi

Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Care Research

Michele Mahone

MHSc Health Administration

Tariq Asmi
Mitchell Birken
Barbara Belanger
Elizabeth Bonney
Melissa Brooks
Christina Chambers
Yvonne Cheung
Rouhan Coutinho
Karen Daly
Patricia Debrusk
Lara DeSousa
Vicki Faulkner

Eric Hong
Tiffany Jay
Manisa Jiaravuthisan
Sari Kline
Suganya Kodeeswaran
Milicia Litt
Heather Logan
Dawn McDonald
Maureen McLelland
Sara McRae
Maria Muia

Shaheena Mukhi
Stephan Plourde
Cecile Raymond
Cori Ross
Deepak Sharma
Christopher Sulway
Kimberly Timleck
Mark Toone
Errol Villeneuve
Evelyn Williams
Julie Wolfe

Warren Winkelman Receives the COACH Steven Huesing Scholarship

Warren Winkelman, PhD student in the eHealth and Health Information Management Program of HPME, has been awarded the Steven Huesing Scholarship of COACH, Canada 's Health Informatics Association. This award is given annually to the most promising new student researcher in the field of health informatics in Canada . In addition to a cash prize, the award provides the student with a complimentary registration to the annual COACH conference and a one-year student membership in COACH.

Dennis Ko Receives Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant for AMI Study

Dennis Ko, MSc student in the HPME Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Program, recently received a Heart and Stroke Foundation Research Fellowship for his study “Quality care of diabetic patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction” . In addition, Dennis recently co-authored the following article in the April 2004 JAMA: Lipid-Lowering Therapy With Statins in High-Risk Elderly Patients: The Treatment-Risk Paradox (pdf). Dennis is affiliated with the cardiovascular research program at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences where he works under the supervision of Dr. Jack Tu.

Major Stephan Plourde Named as 2004 Robert Wood Johnson Award Winner

Congratulations to Major Stephan Plourde who was selected by HPME faculty as the 2004 Robert Wood Johnson Award Winner. The Robert Wood Johnson Award, established in 1956 by Johnson & Johnson Medical Products Inc., is an award program exclusively for professional graduate students in health administration programs in Canada.

Robert Wood Johnson earned a worldwide reputation for his innovative management techniques, far-sighted socioeconomic reforms and dedicated public service. He helped establish the world's first school of hospital administration, created a unique industry/hospital collaboration for improving hospital management efficiency and help set up a prototype nurse recruitment program.

The award consists of $1,500, a Certificate of Merit, travel and accommodation expenses to attend the awards ceremony. An award is presented to one student from each of the six Canadian universities offering graduate programs in health services administration whom the faculty select as the student viewed as the most likely to contribute valuable service to health services management. At the University of Toronto the award is given to a student in the second year of the program and all program faculty are involved in the nomination and selection process.

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