D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T    A N D    E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


May/June 2004


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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Honours and Awards

Dr. Zakus Receives Honourary Professorship from Kunming Medical College in China

Dr. David Zakus, Associate Professor in HPME and Director of the Centre for International Health, has been awarded an honourary professorship from the President of the Kunming Medical College (KMC) in Kunming , Yunnan , China . Dr. Zakus, along with other UofT colleagues, has been working with KMC for two years on rural health system reform.

Dr. Dave Davis Recognized for Contributions to Academic Medicine

Dr. Dave Davis, of the Department of Medicine and HPME, has been elected as a new member of the Canadian Institute of Academic Medicine (CIAM), an organization dedicated to supporting academic medicine, particularly in the clinical departments of Canada 's faculties of medicine. Membership in the CIAM is limited to 100 and is based on distinguished contributions to medicine through research, education and leadership. Established in 1990, the institute's objectives are to advance the education and scholarly pursuits of academic physicians and further medical research by working to enhance the role of clinical departments.

Dr. Davis will also be made an honourary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) at the Fall 2004 convocation ceremony. The Royal College Convocation Ceremony and Reception honours and recognize new Fellows and celebrates College award winners. The RCPSC is a national organization responsible for setting and maintaining the standards for postgraduate medical education, for certifying specialist physicians and surgeons in Canada, and for promoting their continued education.

CISEPO Awarded Canadian Red Cross Power of Humanity Award

The Canadian Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) and Dr. Arnold Noyek (Department of Otolaryngology) were awarded a Canadian Red Cross Power of Humanity Award (Ontario Zone) in April 2004. Award recipients are considered to have worked to serve and protect life and health – upholding the Red Cross principle of humanity by meeting a priority need in their community. CISEPO is dedicated to enriching academic medicine, public health and health care in Canada and internationally, and contributing to peace building in the Middle East through health initiatives. Under the umbrella of CISEPO, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian individuals and institutions have come together for the common purpose of health care.

Paul Williams, Professor in HPME, has been an active participant in CISEPO as a Health Policy Consultant. More recently he has taken on a lead role, with Dr. Harvey Skinner (Department of Public Health Sciences), in a new initiative involving Canadian, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian researchers which will examine variations in infant hearing screening and follow-up related to differences in health system capacity, and to cultural and gender differences. In addition to its direct relevance to health care in the Middle East, this research promises to provide important insights for Ontario which has recently established its own program of screening newborns for hearing loss.

Michael Schull Receives Young Investigator Award

Michael Schull (Department of Medicine and HPME) has received a Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Young Investigator Award. The Award recognizes young investigators who have demonstrated promise and distinction in their emergency medicine research careers. The Award will be presented at the SAEM Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida in May 2004.

Wendy Levinson Appointed Sir John and Lady Eaton Professor and Chair of Department of Medicine

Wendy Levinson (Department of Medicine and HPME) has been appointed as the Sir John and Lady Eaton Professor and Chair of the Faculty of Medicine's Department of Medicine, effective July 1, 2004, for an initial five-year term. On staff at St. Michael's Hospital, Dr. Levinson spent most of her career in the United States, working at Oregon Health Science University and the University of Chicago Medical School. Dr. Levinson moved to Toronto in 2001 and has been Vice-Chair of the UofT Department of Medicine and Associate Director of Research at St Michael's Hospital.

+ + GRANTS + +

Primary Health Care Transition Fund Grants

The following faculty have received Primary Health Care Transition Fund grants from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Hawker and Zwarenstein to Study Post-Fracture Care for Osteoporosis

Susan Jaglal (Department of Physical Therapy) and co-applicants Earl Bogoch (Department of Surgery), June Carroll (Department of Family and Community Medicine), Gillian Hawker (HPME and Department of Medicine), Liisa Jaakkimainen (Department of Family and Community Medicine), Hans Kreder (Department of Surgery), Merrick Zwarenstein (Department of Family and Community Medicine and HPME), and Dina Brooks (Department of Physical Therapy) - a two-year grant for their project "Integrated Post-Fracture Care for Osteoporosis in Ontario: A Demonstration Project".

Teare and Zwarenstein to Develop a New Primary Care Model for Ulcer Treatment

Gary Sibbald (Department of Medicine) and co-investigators Margaret Harrison (Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario), Ian Graham (Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario), Pamela Houghton (University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario), Ivy Oandasan (Department of Family and Community Medicine), Gail Woodbury (University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario), Tazim Virani (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario), Gary Teare (Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation), Josie Santo (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario), Merrick Zwarenstein (Department of Family and Community Medicine and HPME), Corrine McIsaac (New Waterford, Nova Scotia), Pat Coutts (Mississauga, Ontario), Douglas Queen, Debbie Driver (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Ontario), Siobhan Ryan (Department of Medicine), and Madhuri Reddy (Department of Medicine) – a two-year grant for their project, "A New Community Primary Care Model For Persons With Lower Extremity Ulcers". Partners in this project are the UofT Faculty of Medicine, the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, and the Community Care Access Center of Toronto

Jadad Co-Investigator on New Tele-Homecare Study for
Chronically Ill

Christopher Chan (Department of Medicine) and co-investigators Anthony Easty (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering ), John Granton (Department of Medicine), Alejandro Jadad (Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation), Paul Milgram ( Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering ), Peter Rossos (Department of Medicine), and Richard Owens (Faculty of Law) have received a three-year Bell University Laboratories grant for their project, "Tele-homecare Technology for the Chronically-ill Patient: Tele-monitoring, Usability and Patient Communication".

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