D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


November/December 2003


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Society of Graduates Annual General Meeting Dinner and Awards

The Annual General Meeting of the Society of Graduates was held on November 3, 2003. In addition to the business agenda, the event was a celebration of graduates of our HPME program, and as such recognized some of the great achievements of our alumni. Barbara Quinn, was the recipient of the Leadership Award for her significant contribution to the field of Health Administration. Barbara led the growth of COTA (Community Occupational Therapy Associates) from a staff of 5 to a staff of over 400 along with more than 200 volunteers. Today, COTA provides an essential home-care service, allowing many individuals to approach rehabilitation in their own homes. Anne Wojtak, was the recipient of the Literary Award for her article, "Practice-Based Ethics: A Foundation for Human Resource Planning in Community Healthcare", which was published in Health Management Forum, Fall 2002. Anne gave a brief overview of her research and findings to the group, also important work in ensuring the provision of community services. In addition, the Silver Anniversary class of 1978 was honoured. Bill McLeod gave a short presentation on behalf of his class, recounting tales of his class's approach to team-based learning.

The business portion of the agenda included approval of the 2002-03 Audited Financial Statements, and election of the new Executive Committee of the Society of Graduates. Outgoing Executive Committee members were thanked for their contributions to the Society. Nasir Noormohamed was recognized for his leadership and dedication as President of the Society of Graduates over the past two years. In-coming Executive Committee members include; Jennifer Clarke, President (jennifer.clarke@moh.gov.on.ca), Nasir Noormohamed, Past President (nasir@drugintelligence.com), Charissa Levy, Treasurer, Lisa Newman, Secretary, and members at large; Khanum Kheshavjee, Meg Sheehan, Sid Stacey, Dave Thomas, Ken Tremblay, Susan Tremblay, and Anne Wojtak. Tina Smith remains the Faculty Representative, Rose Jones re-joins the group as the Business Manager, and Pat Debrusk moves to the position of 2nd year student representative.

Dr. Ian Dawe Appointed Head of U of T Faculty of Medicine Division of Psychiatry

Dr. Ian Dawe, alumnus of the HPME MHSc program (class of 1999) was appointed Head of the U of T Faculty of Medicine Division of General Psychiatry for a five-year term, beginning October 1, 2003. Dr. Dawe is Medical Director of the Psychiatric Emergency Service and Postgraduate Education Coordinator at St. Michael's Hospital. He also chairs the Research Committee of the American Association of Emergency Psychiatry.

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