D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


November/December 2003


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The Department of HPME proudly presents the
Class of 2003 - November Convocation


Tamara Daly
Patrice Lindsay
Leah Steele

MSc Health Administration

Lorraine Pederson
Sanober Motiwala
Shamali Wickremaraachi

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (Thesis)

Osman Al-Radi
Kerrayem Al-Suwaida
Michelle Caveen

Andrew Dueck
Andrea Gershon
Brent Graham

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (Non-Thesis)

Mary-Anne Aarts

Diploma Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

K. Christopher Giede
Michael Miletin

MHSc Health Administration

Raza Awan

"Publish Your Manuscript" Workshop

A week-long career development workshop is being offered to PhD students from across the disciplines this February 2004 by the Health Care Technologies and Place CIHR strategic research and training initiative of HPME. In this proven career development workshop, students prepare a current piece of writing for a refereed journal and learn how to negotiate the scholarly publication process. For more details see the HCTP website or download the Summary and Registration (Acrobat PDF). Enrolment is very limited.

Publish Your Manuscript
13-19 February 2004
50 St. George Street, Room 109
Registration Deadline: December 5, 2003

Ava John-Baptiste Receives Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award

Ava John-Baptiste, HPME PhD student specializing in Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation Research, was awarded the 2003 CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship for her study, "Estimating costs associated with hepatitis C (HCV) infection for input into a comprehensive decision analytic policy model to inform clinical decisions and policy development." Ms. John-Baptiste is working under the supervision of Dr. Murray Krahn.

Michelle Kohli Receives Canadian Priority Setting Research Network Graduate

Michelle Kohli, HPME PhD student specializing in Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation Research, was awarded the 2003 Canadian Priority Setting Research Network (CPSRN) Graduate Award for her study, "Public Beliefs about Priority Setting Criteria". The CPSRN is based out of the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. Working under the supervision of Dr. Peter Coyte, Ms. Kohli's study will describe the Canadian public's preference for priority setting criteria in the areas of patient type and services. The specific objective is to examine, through a review of the literature and quantitative analyses, the public's acceptance of the values that underpin the Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) measure.

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