Media Distribution
This subject is made up of several individual titles and two sub-series:
Conduct of a Civil Action series
A re-enactment of a civil suit brought by the plaintiff against a tavern owner for negligence following an incident in the tavern. This program shows the major steps and procedures involved in a civil suit as a legal process. Featured in the major roles in the judiciary are members of the Ontario Supreme Court; the legal counsel are members of the Ontario Bar; and the expert witness is a practising psychiatrist.
Part 1: The Interview
39 minutesPart 2: The Examination
35 minutesPart 3: The Interlocutory Motion
20 minutesPart 4A: The Trial
48 minutesPart 4B: The Trial (continued)
54 minutesPart 5: The Taxation of Costs
16 minutesTotal running time for series: 3 hours, 31 minutes / 1978
Crown Wardship Order series
This case involves an application to terminate a crown wardship order by an unwed mother. A mock trial based on a real case was staged at the moot court, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, to show the interaction between representatives of family law and social work in such cases.
Part One: The swearing in, examination and cross-examination of the mother's social worker.
Part Two: The examination and cross-examination of the Children's Aid Society social workers.
Part Three: The lawyers for both parties present their arguments and the judge gives his decision and summation.
Total running time for series: 90 minutes / 1975