Upcoming Session - Kierkegaard Circle
Kierkegaard, music and its relation to the performing arts
Yaroslav Senyshyn
Professor, Faculty of Education, Simon Frasier University Canada
Friday, December 9, 2022
7:15 pm –8:45 pm (Toronto time) EDT
Virtual meeting. Request Zoom link by emailing khanah@chass.utoronto.ca
Professor Abrahim H. Khan Trinity College Tel. 416 978-3039 (O), 416 978-2133(off. asst) E-mail:khanah@chass.utoronto.ca
Yaroslav Senyshyn is author and professor of philosophy, music aesthetics, and moral education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Frasier University. He is also an acclaimed international Canadian pianist and composer His existential-phenomenological approach to creative performance draws on Wittgenstein’s philosophy. His Kierkegaard publications are reflective of his interdisciplinary research interest in the arts and moral education with respect to creative performance, and instanced by his ( 2010) The e Artist in Crisis: Kierkegaard's Philosophy of the Aesthetic Stage of Existence and Live Musical Performance.
What did music and related concepts mean to Kierkegaard and how did he relate his ideas to music and other performing arts such as teaching and acting? My presentation is for all performing artists. Kierkegaard’s thinking on music is a conduit by which performing artists become aware of the philosophical and psycological complexity of music and the performing arts through his philosophical lenses.