Topic : Faith and Doubt: Exemplars and Illustrations
Presenter: Professor Rick A. Furtak
Date and Time: October 21, 2011, at 7:30 pm
Venue: Combination Room, Trinity College, University of Toronto
For directions ask at the Porter's Lodge of the College. Phone 416-978-2011
Kierkegaard's writings contrain various portrayals of faith and its relation to doubt (including healthy self-doubt, paralyzing skepticism, and zealous illusions of having put all doubts to rest). In this paper, I consider a few concrete examples of faith, in light of the remarks about faith made elsewhere in Kierkegaard's work. My primary focus will be primarily on the figure of Socrates, along with the "lily and bird" featured in several discourses of the late 1840's; in addition to these notably non-Christian paradigms of faith, I will also discuss characters introduced in "Either/Or" and "Fear and Trembling," among other texts. Throughout the paper, my focus will be on what we can learn from these depictions of faith, or failures of faith.