Friday, May 6, 2011
7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Divinity Common Room,
Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto
416-978-2522 (for directions)
Dr. Leo Stan
Dept. of Philosophy, Brock University
Leo Stan (Ph.D, McMaster) lectures in the Philosophy Department at Brock University. He worked on Kierkegaard's relevance for contemporary phenomenology of religion, with a special emphasis on Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry, while a recent SSHRCC fellow at the Center for Theory & Criticism, UWO. His publications include “The Hidden Ethics of Soteriology" (Journal of Religious Ethics 38.2, June 2010: 349-370); “The Lily in the Field and the Bird in the Air: An Endless Liturgy in Kierkegaard’s Authorship,” (Kierkegaard and the Bible. Tome II: The New Testament, Jon Stewart and Lee C. Barrett (eds.), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010, 55-78); “Modernity and Christian Offensiveness. An Ongoing Scandal,” (Acta Kierkegaardiana 4, 2009: 260-277); “Chrysostom: Between the Hermitage and the City,” (Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Tradition, Jon Stewart (ed.), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, 47-66).