
Polish Language and Literature Major

Polish Language and Literature Minor

Polish Studies Major

Polish Studies Minor

In case of questions, please contact the acting director, Professor Łukasz Wodzyński.

Polish Language and Literature Major

(Arts Program)

Completion Requirements:

(6 FCEs or their equivalent. with at least 2 FCEs at the 300+ level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)

  1. A sequence of one, two or three FCEs from SLA106H1, SLA116H1, SLA206H1, SLA207H1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1, depending on the student's skill level
  2. SLA216H1 and one of the following courses: SLA226H1, SLA236H1, SLA266H1
  3. SLA226H1 or SLA346H1
  4. SLA356H1 or any of the following: SLA427H1, SLA436H1, SLA456H1
  5. Remaining FCEs from: SLA200H1, SLA201H1, SLA203H1, SLA214H1, SLA222H1, SLA223H1, SLA226H1, SLA236H1, SLA254H1, SLA256H1, SLA266H1, SLA267H1, SLA301H1, SLA302H1, SLA333H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1, SLA380H1, SLA406H1, SLA427H1, SLA436H1, SLA456H1, SLA495H1, SLA496H1
  6. 0.5 FCE in Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes, or another half course approved by the program director, to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning competency required in the program.

Polish Language and Literature Minor

(Arts Program)

Completion Requirements:

(4 FCEs or their equivalent, including at least 1 FCE at the 300+ - level)

  1. SLA216H1, SLA226H1, or SLA346H1
  2. 1FCE of a language sequence (SLA106H1 and SLA116H1; SLA 116H1 and SLA206H1; SLA206H1 and SLA207H1; SLA207H1 and SLA306H1; or SLA306H1 and SLA336H1) depending on the student's skill level.
  3. Two FCEs from: SLA226H1, SLA236H1, SLA266H1, SLA301H1, SLA302H1, SLA333H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1, SLA406H1, SLA426H1, SLA427H1, SLA436H1, SLA456H1.

Polish Studies Major

(Arts Program)

Completion Requirements:

(7 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least 2 FCEs at the 300+ - level, including 0.5 FCE at the 400-level)

  1. A sequence of two FCEs from SLA106H1, SLA116H1, SLA206H1, SLA207H1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1, SLA346H1,SLA356H1, depending on the student's skill level.
  2. SLA216H1, SLA266H1, HIS353Y1
  3. Remaining three FCEs from the following groups, with at least one FCE from each group:

      Group A: Polish
    • SLA226H1, SLA236H1, SLA346H1, SLA356H1, SLA406H1, SLA427H1, SLA436H1, 456H1
      Group B: History and General Slavic
    • HIS251Y1, HIS433H1, HIS461H1, SLA200H1, SLA201H1, SLA203H1, SLA214H1, SLA222H1, SLA223H1, SLA254H1, SLA256H1, SLA267H1, SLA301H1, SLA302H1, SLA318H1, SLA333H1, SLA380H1
  4. 0.5 FCE in Breadth Requirement Category 5: The Physical and Mathematical Universes, or another half course approved by the program director, to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning competency required in the program.

Polish Studies Minor

(Arts Program)

Completion Requirements:

(4 FCEs or their equivalent, with at least one FCE at the 300+ - level)

  1. SLA216H1, SLA266H1, SLA226H1 or SLA236H1
  2. A sequence of two FCEs from SLA106H1, SLA116H1, SLA206H1, SLA207H1, SLA306H1, SLA336H1
  3. HIS353Y1 or equivalent