HPSS butterfly Centre for Health Promotion, 15th Annual Ontatio Health Promotion Summer School, 2008
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We strive to create a relaxing and comfortable learning environment. Participants will have full use of the facility's outdoor swimming pool and fitness facilities and any organized recreational programs. BRING YOUR BATHING SUIT!

We also offer a variety of organized social and recreational activities that are free of charge and open to all, including activities with First Peoples and Francophone orientation. Participants must sign up in advance when they arrive at the Summer School.

Activities include:

Traditional Feast and Entertainment
Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 (6:00 - 10:00 p.m.)

Featuring a special First Peoples' menu as well as a number of performers.
ALL ARE WELCOME. Pre-registration is necessary. Activity is free of charge.


Special Luncheon with Francophone Tropical Luncheon featuring delicious cuisine, mocktails and entertainment by Kenn Lewis' Caribbean Duo on Steel Drums.
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009 (12:30 - 1:30 p.m.)

About Kenn Lewis:

Kenn Lewis is a Musician/Producer/Songwriter who has played the Toronto scene and surburban cities for the past 24 years. The Multi -instrumentalist has accompanied and shared the stage with many local and foreign artiste, including the likes of Eddie Lovette, Mighty swallow, Iwa George, Nana MclaineBurning Flames. (the list goes on)  were also accompanied by the talented musician.

He has also played with two major bands that had a great impact on the music scene in Toronto. The bands were Steadyvibes which was the two time Caribana winner for the best band on the road consecutively and the Galaxy Reggae Band,

While performing at a Church service one Sunday, the great Oscar Peterson was in attendance. He complimented Mr. Kenn Lewis on his unique style of playing.

Born in the twin Federation islands of St.Kitts & Nevis in the Caribbean, his love for music started at the age of seven, when his father. also an accomplished musician introduced him to the guitar. Since then he has mastered a number of instruments like the keyboard, bass, saxophone and the Steeldrum…….. etc..

The styles of music of music he plays varies from Reggae to R&B etc.... but his main musical theme is hot spicy Caribbean Rhythms call Soca,Calypso,Zouke

Kenn Lewis was nominated for a Reggae Award in the year 2002. He produces and writes his own music.

ALL ARE WELCOME and activity is free of charge. No pre- registration is necessary. 

Bus loads at the front of the Facility and drops PRE-REGISTERED participants off and pick them up at either the Eaton's Centre (Dundas and Yonge) or at Harbourfront Centre (Queen's Quay and Bay).
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009 (6:00 - 10:30 p.m.)

(Other than the bus pick-up and drop-off there are no pre-organized arrangements - participants will make their own plans.)

The activity is free of charge however a $20 deposit must be paid when signing up at the main HPSS registration table. This deposit will be refunded on the bus.


Personal development workshops are extra-curricular  time-out sessions HPSS participants. These sessions contribute to reducing or managing stress and improving self-care and learning.

Two sessions are available:

1) Tuesday evening, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
  Healing Circles with our Elder Jan Kahehti:io Longboat. Jan is a traditional healer, herabilst and counsellor.

2) Thursday evening, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Both of these sessions are free of charge and optional but pre-registration is necessary.


Casual dress is recommended. Please bring a bathing suit and appropriate clothing if you would like to swim and use the fitness facilities.

At different points throughout the Summer School, optional group exercise breaks will be offered.


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