The First Peoples Subcommittee of
the Health Promotion Summer School honours and promotes
First Peoples traditional health care models, concepts,
processes and culturally appropriate community-based
health services in Ontario.
The First Peoples Subcommittee is
made up of representatives of urban and on-reserve community-based
organizations from across the province. This Committee
plans and organizes the First Peoples Stream of the Summer
School in partnership with the HPSS Steering Committee.
We endeavor to provide a traditional and culturally appropriate
The HPSS 2007 First Peoples
curriculum will be based on Mental
Health Promotion in relation to the Medicine
Wheel and include workshops and toolbox sessions with
teachings, demonstrations, discussions, singing and
dancing and other activities. Those wishing to participate
in First Peoples curriculum must select Series 1 on
their registration form.
Click here to
view participants dance and drum at the HPSS 2006
Aboriginal Feast! QuickTime
movie |
The First People's Committee of the Summer School is
providing an outdoor tipi this year.
The tipi of the Northern Plains Aboriginals is much more
than a shelter. It embodies many of the values so important
to Native traditions and culture. The fifteen poles represent
values of Obedience, Respect, Humility, Happiness, Love,
Faith, Kinship, Cleanliness, Thankfulness, Sharing Strength,
Good Child Rearing, Hope, Ultimate Protection and Control
The Committee also organizes cultural
events open to all participants. There will
be an First Peoples feast with entertainment
on Monday, June 25 and the Opening and Closing
The Opening and Closing Ceremony is
done in a traditional Anishnawbek manner. They are ceremonies
where four sacred medicines will be burned: tobacco,
cedar, sage and sweet grass.
This particular ceremony is as old as
time. All original Nations have their own ways to do
this. It is not acceptable to consider one ‘way’ better
than another. Instead, all ceremonies are highly regarded
and respected for their sacred nature.
Anishnawbek Way brings a holistic approach
that integrates spiritual, physical, mental and emotional
aspects of ourselves and the world around us. Through
the process of opening and closing, we literally explore
what surrounds us and what is inside us. We want to ensure
that we are gathering everything we need to carry out
the tasks ahead. It is to help bring the body, mind and
spirit of each of us together. Ceremony also reminds
of us how we are to behave in a balanced manner for the
benefit of ourselves and generations that will follow.
We welcome everyone to join in ceremony as we open and
close the Health Promotion Summer School.
All HPSS participants are welcome and
encouraged to register/participate in these activities
and series.
The Francophone Subcommittee of the Health Promotion
Summer School facilitates the development of a linguistically
and culturally appropriate curriculum for Francophones.
The committee is comprised of representatives of organizations
from across the province. The Subcommittee plans and
organizes the Francophone stream of the Summer School
in partnership with the Steering Committee.
This year, the French-language Series
will be based on the overall theme of Mental
Health Promotion and is called Series 2. Series
2 sessions will be offered throughout the week.
2 - Biographies of Speakers (PDF)
Click here to view participants enjoying
dance at HPSS2 2006 |
French-language sessions:
Workshops, Small Group, Toolbox and Personal Development
sessions will be offered in French over the three days,
with periods of integration with other streams.
For more information, please see the
French-language version of the program and
our website.
Subsidies for those working
or living in Ontario, attending French-language sessions
Thanks to special funding, partial subsidies (for travel
and lodging only) will be awarded to Summer School participants
interested in joining the French-language component of
the Summer School (Only those working and living in Ontario
are eligible if they attend Series 2 French-language
Please indicate your interest in receiving
a subsidy on the registration form in the appropriate
place. Also: please contact our Summer School
Coordinator immediately after you have registered at
416-469-4632 or at
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