Presenters have been chosen for their expertise in Summer School themes.
They bring broad-based experience in health promotion, and knowledge in many
diverse areas, including:
- mental health promotion concepts
- health promotion in primary care
and community settings
- First Peoples Medicine Wheel
- healthy public policy development
- inclusion, stigma and diversity
- planning and program design
Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest: Speakers
will be requested to
disclose to the audience, any real or apparent conflict(s)
of interest that
may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of this
Biographies of All Presenters
- Children's Advocate
Ruffo, former
Judge (Children's), la chambre de la jeunesse
de la cours du Québec |
Andree Ruffo will speak about what
it takes to be who we are. When we don't have
clarity about who we are, we need love, communication,
and interaction with others, food, housing and other determinants
of life as well as a sense of spirituality and a way to
contribute to society. She will then talk about what
happens when we are in positions of responsibility
and authority to make decisions that affect others
and the importance of being clear about who we
are to do that job well. She brings a wealth of experience
and examples from her work in Quebec as a judge and
child advocate.
Branka Agic, Community
Health and Education Specialist, Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health
Josie d'Avernas, Health
Promotion Consulting
Heather Campbell, Chapter Director,
National Coalition
Building Institute
Annette Chrétien, PhD, Research Fellow
at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau,
Connie Clement, Executive
Director, Ontario
Prevention Clearinghouse
Walter J. Cooke, Elder/Counsellor,
Ojibway-Cree of the Bear Clan, De dwa da dehs nyejs
Aboriginal Health Centre (Hamilton and Brantford)
Michelle Currie, M.Ed., OISE/UT
Karen Davison, Doctoral Candidate, University
of Calgary
Jeff Desmoulin, Chief,
Pic Mobert
The Dream Team with Carol Dunphy,
Coordinator and Volunteer Member of the Dream Team Speakers
Manuela Ferrari, MHSc., Ph.D. (C), graduate
student in Health Behavioural Sciences, Public Health
Sciences, University of Toronto
Paul-André Gauthier, President of GIIFO
(Ontario provincial association of Francophone nurses)
and Director of Finance, CNSIG
Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, Environmental
Health, Global Education and Film Consultant,
Education Coordinator, Women's Healthy
Environments Network
Mélanie Guertin, Projects
Leader, OPHEA (Ontario Physical and Health Education
Association) /Curriculum and School-Based Health Resource
Centre (CSBHRC)
Elaine Hampson, Public
Health Nurse, OPHA, Public Health Alliance for Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer
and Questioning Equity
Dave Holmes, PhD, RN,
associate professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, School
of Nursing, University of Ottawa
Suzanne Jackson, Director, Centre for
Health Promotion and Chair of HPSS
Jan Kahehti:io Longboat, Elder, Traditional
Teacher, Herbalist, Traditional Counsellor
Ron Kanutski, Social Worker, Native
Cultural Coordinator/Counsellor, Care Consulting,
Children's Centre, Thunder Bay
Marianne Kobus-Matthews, Senior Health Promotion
Consultant, Policy, Education and Health Promotion, Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Co-Chair of
HPSS 2007
Gillian Kranias, Co-Coordinator,
Ontario Self-Help Network Program, the Self-Help Resource
Susan Lalonde Rankin, Project Consultant,
Simcoe County, CAMH
Kinsey Lewis, Shout Clinic Therapist,
Central Toronto Community Health Centre
Dr. Joel Lexchin, Professor, School
of Health Policy and Management, York University; Emergency
Physician, University Health Network; Medical Reform
Group of Ontario, Health Action International, Healthy
Brenda MacIntyre, Workshop Facilitator,
Jamie Maracle and the Wahahi:io Drum Group (Mohawk)
Mary Martin-Rowe, Health Promotion Consultant,
Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
Ted Mavor, Coordinator of Health Promotion,
Grand River Hospital (Kitchener)
Jill McDowell, Health Promotion Consultant,
Environmental Protection Office, Toronto Public Health
Peter Menzies, Service Manager, Aboriginal
Services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Bonnie Pape (Former Director of Programs
and Research at Canadian Mental Health Association),
Independent Consultant.
Piazza, Certified Yoga Instructor
Sharlene Pitts, Laurentian University Student Nurse,
Year 3
Mary Quarterone, Project Consultant,
GTA Regional Services, Education and Health Promotion
Department, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Caroline Recollet, National Coalition
Building Institute
Melita Richardson , Art Therapist
Cindy Rose, Health Promotion Consultant,
Vicarious Trauma, Toronto Public Health
Martin Shain, Principal, The Neighbour
at Work Centre
Dr. Barry Stanley, Psychotherapist in
private practice
and with De dwa da dehs nye>s, Hamilton Aboriginal
Health Centre
Andrea Stevens
Lavigne, Fellow,
Centre for Health Promotion
Loren Vanderlinden, Supervisor, Environmental
Health Assessment & Policy, Environmental Protection
Office, Toronto Public Health
Elizabeth Votta, Program Lead, Reports
and Analysis, Canadian Population Health Initiative
Suzanne Witt-Foley, Program Consultant,
Muskoka Parry Sound, CAMH
Young Spirit Youth Drum & Sweet Grass Sisters
Hand Drum Group
Please visit this site regularly
as the list of presenters is
updated on an ongoing basis.
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