Alan Ackerman
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Harvard
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 911
170 St. George Street
19th + 20th American drama; cultural forms of American Liberalism; theories of language,
reading, and interpretation from the 1920s to the 1970s; law and literature; and, the life and
works of Lillian Hellman.
Michael Baker
Professor, Department of Economics; RBC Chair in Public and Economic Policy
Ph.D. Michigan
Max Gluskin House, Room 238
150 St. George Street
Labour economics; public economics, and applied econometrics.
Shyon Baumann
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Ph.D. Harvard
725 Spadina Avenue
Sociological study of media, culture, and the arts; race and gender in television
advertising; food studies.
Dan Bender
Associate Professor, Department of History
University of Toronto Scarborough, H334
1265 Military Trail
American cultural, social, and labour history of the U.S. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Megan Boler
Associate Chair, Department of Theory & Policy Studies, Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education [OISE)
Ph.D. University of California Santa Cruz
Theory and Policy Studies, OISE
252 Bloor Street West
Social justice in political and cultural contexts, pedagogy of discomfort; race, class, and gender in
education and media, explored through cultural, feminist and communication studies.
Shiri M. Breznitz
Assistant Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs
PhD., University of Cambridge, UK
Munk School of Global Affairs
Bloor Street site
Room 215, 315 Bloor Street West
Economic geography, Innovation, Technology transfer, Regional economic development, and University technology commercialization.
Matt Brower
Lecturer and Curator, Museum Studies and Faculty of Information Studies
Ph.D. Rochester
Visual art; photography studies; museum studies; animal studies.
Elspeth Brown
Associate Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Yale
Munk School of Global Affairs, Room 259S
1 Devonshire Place
U.S. social, cultural, and business history 20th c; American Studies; photography studies.
Christian Campbell
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Duke
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 919
170 St. George Street
Caribbean Literature; Black Diaspora Literatures and Cultures (including Caribbean, African-American,
Black British and Black Canadian); Cultural Studies/Popular Culture; Poetry/Poetics; Postcolonial Theory;
and Creative Writing.
Jennifer Carlson
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Ph.D. University of California - Berkeley
Department of Sociology
725 Spadina Avenue
American gun politics; gender; policing; conservative politics and the state.
Tony Chambers
Associate Professor and Director, Centre for the Study of Students in Postsecondary Education,
Department of Theory and Policy Studies, OISE
Ed.D. University of Florida
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor Street West
Leadership in higher education; improving the quality of the student experience; activism as a form of leadership and student development; understanding cultural differences and discrimination, with a view toward transformation.
Mark Cheetham
Professor, Department of Fine Art History
Ph.D. University of London
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036
100 St. George Street
Modern and contemporary art; art historical methodology; English cosmopolitanism in art theory since
the 18th century.
Carol Chin
Associate Professor, Department of History/International Relations
Ph.D. Ohio State
Munk School of Global Affairs, Room 306N
1 Devonshire Place
Nineteenth—through twentieth—century American foreign relations, specializing in U.S.-East Asian relations.
Michael Cobb
Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Cornell
University College, Room 243
Tel: 416-978-8114
American literature, queer literature, queer theory, literary theory, and critical race theory.
Corinn Columpar
Assistant Professor, Department of English/Cinema Studies
Ph.D. Emory University
Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave., Room 232A
Filmmaking practices and textual politics of various counter-cinematic traditions, especially feminist,
Aboriginal, and "independent" cinema.
Derrick de Kerckhove
Professor, Department of French; Director of McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology
Carr Hall, Room 322
100 St. Joseph Street
French, technology and culture.
Jeannine DeLombard
Associate Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
298 North Building, Department of English & Drama, UTM
American Literature; African-American Literature; Nineteenth-Century American Culture; Slavery and Antebellum Reform; Law, Culture & Humanities; Book History & Print Culture; Afro-Diasporic Literature and Culture.
Neal Dolan
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Harvard
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 833
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth-Century American Literature; Ethnicity in American Literature; Liberalism; Romanticism;
Lyric Poetry; Social Class in literature and literary criticism.
Andrew DuBois
Associate Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Harvard
University of Toronto at Scarborough, H423
1265 Military Trail
Twentieth-century American lyric poetry; rap lyrics.
Shari Eli
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
University of Toronto,
Dept. of Economics
150 St. George St.
Economic History, Historical Demography and Health Economics.
Yonatan Eyal
Assistant Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Harvard University
118 North Building
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. North
Nineteenth-century American political and intellectual history, particularly Jacksonian America and the coming of the Civil War.
Matt Farish
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Ph.D. University of British Columbia
Sidney Smith Building, Room 5040
100 St. George Street
Militarism and geopolitics, The Cold War, environmental history, Arctic studies, and urban culture.
Rosemary Gartner
Professor, Department of Sociology; Director, Centre for Criminology
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Centre for Criminology, Canadiana Building
14 Queen's Park Cres. West
Comparative and historical patterns of violence, gender, and intimate violence, the imprisonment of women,
and relationships between legitimate and illegitimate violence.
Meric Gertler
Professor, Department of Geography; President of the University
Ph.D. Harvard
Regional and national systems of innovation; technology production and use in its spatial context; political economy of technological change and industrial reorganization in its geographical context; local and regional economic development policy and planning, and economic change in the Toronto region.
Emily Gilbert
Director, Canadian Studies Program; Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Geography
Ph.D. Bristol, UK
University College, Room B301
Citizenship, borders, security, economy, nation-states, and globalization.
Morely Gunderson
Professor, Department of Economics; Director, Centre for Industrial Relations and
Human Resources; CIBC Chair in Youth Employment
Ph.D. Wisconsin
Centre for Industrial Relations, Room 307
121 St. George Street
The labour market impacts of trade liberalization and globalization; gender discrimination, including pay equity; youth unemployment; retirement and pension issues; strikes, and workers' compensation.
Jason Hackworth
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Geography
Ph.D. Rutgers
Room 5027B, Sidney Smith Hall
100 St. George Street
Urban and economic geography, political economy, uneven development, governance.
Rick Halpern
Professor, Department of History; Vice-Principal, Academic, and Dean,
University of Toronto Scarborough
Ph.D. Pennsylvania
Transnational race and labour; meat packing; sugar industries.
Gillian Hamilton
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Ph.D. Queen's
Max Gluskin House, Room 310
150 St. George Street
Economic history, and labour economics.
Elizabeth Harney
Associate Professor, Department of Fine Art History
Ph.D. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036
100 St. George Street
Global modernisms, contemporary art practices in Africa and its diasporas, postcolonial theory, and
the politics of exhibition.
Sean Hawkins
Associate Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Cambridge
University College
UC D201
Modern social history, cultural history of sub-Saharan Africa; animal studies; Anglo-American
perceptions of African subjectivity in historical perspective.
Adrienne Hood
Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of History
Ph.D. University of California San Diego
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2076
100 St. George Street
Production and consumption in early America, particularly related to textiles and clothing; fashion,
material culture theory and methodology, and museology.
Daniel Heath Justice
Associate Professor, Aboriginal Studies
Ph.D. Nebraska-Lincoln
Aboriginal Studies
North Borden Building
563 Spadina Crescent, 2nd floor
Aboriginal studies and indigenous native North American literatures; North American literatures of resistance; Cultural studies; and speculative fiction.
Louis Kaplan
Professor, Department of Visual Studies (UTM); Graduate Department of Art
Jackman Humanities Institute Faculty Research Fellow (2014-2015)
Ph.D. University of Chicago
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 1015
170 St. George Street
Photography studies, 20th and 21st century art and visual culture, film and media culture, deconstruction, humour studies, contemporary Jewish art and visual culture, new media art practices (especially augmented reality).
Russ Kazal
Associate Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Pennsylvania
University of Toronto at Scarborough, Room H329
1265 Military Trail
Social and (broadly defined) political history of the United States since 1877, with a focus on immigration, ethnicity and race, urban America, and ideologies of pluralism and nationalism.
Charlie Keil
Associate Professor, Department of History; Director, Cinema Studies Institute
Ph.D. Wisconsin-Madison
Innis College, Room 233A
2 Sussex Ave.
Film history, early cinema (pre-1915) of the U.S; early Hollywood.
Patrick Keilty
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information
140 St. George Street
Bissell Room 614
Culture and technology, Gender and sexuality, Feminism and queer theory, Digital/ electronic culture, Queer electronic art, Critical theory, Visual culture/ aesthetics, Metadata.
Rob King
Assistant Professor, Department of History
Sidney Smith Hall, Room IN325
100 St George Street
Early American cinema, twentieth-century popular culture, American cultural history.
Pam Klassen
Professor, Department and Centre for the Study of Religion
Ph.D. Drew
Northrup Frye, Room 222
73 Queen's Park Crescent East
Gender and religion; alternative healing movements; 20th century Christianity.
David S. Koffman
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of History
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2074
100 St. George Street
Cultural, ethnic, social, and religious history of the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with a particular emphasis on the modern Jewish experience.
Anne Lancashire
Professor, Department of English/Drama/Cinema Studies; Vice-Dean, Academic,
Faculty of Arts & Science
Ph.D. Harvard
University College, Room 277
15 King’s College Circle
English Medieval and Renaissance theatre history and drama; and, contemporary popular American film (including science fiction film.
Elizabeth Legge
Associate Professor and Chair, Fine Art History
Ph.D. Courtauld Institute, University of London
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036
100 St George Street
Dada, Surrealism, and contemporary Canadian and British art.
Renan Levine
Assistant Professor and Placement Director, Department of Political Science
Ph.D. Duke
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3009
100 St. George Street
Political decision-making; elections, parties, political strategy, and voting.
Robert Lewis
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Geography
Ph.D. McGill
Historical geography of North American economic restructuring; industrial and social geography
of suburban Chicago, 1850-1950; wartime manufacturing and metropolitan growth; colonial urban
India, and social exclusion.
Kathy Liddle
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
PhD Emory
University of Toronto Scarboroughl, Room B562
1265 Military Trail
Intersections of culture, gender, and organizations.
Minelle Mahtani
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Ph.D. University College, London
University of Toronto at Scarborough
1265 Military Trail
Critical journalism, representation of minorities in the media, critical "mixed race" theory, transnationalism, the experiences of minority journalists in a variety of national contexts, diversity initiatives in the workplace, women of colour in geography.
Alice Maurice
Assistant Professor, Department of English/Cinema Studie
Ph.D. Cornell
University of Toronto at Scarborough, Room H426
1265 Military Trail
Cinema studies, American literature, narrative theory, women’s studies.
Bonnie McElhinny
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, St. George Campus;
Director, Women & Gender Studies Institute
Ph.D. Stanford
Anthropology Building, Room 364A
19 Russell Street
Language and gender, language and political economy, feminist anthropology, language and political ecology,
the anthropology of North America and of the Philippines, American empire and ethnohistory.
Cheryl Misak
Professor, Department of Philosophy; Deputy Provost; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
D.Phil. Oxford
Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
Pragmatism, especially the work of C.S. Peirce, epistemology, and moral philosophy.
Naomi Morgenstern
Associate Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Cornell
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 625
170 St. George Street,
American literature; feminist, psychoanalytic and literary theory; African-American literature; the political
philosophy of marriage.
Andrea Most
Associate Professor, Department of English; Associate Director, English Ph.D. Program
Ph.D. Brandeis
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 827
170 St. George Street
Musical theatre; Jewish studies; popular culture.
Michelle Murphy
Associate Professor, Department of History and Women and Gender Studies Institute
Ph.D. Harvard
Wilson Hall, New College, Room 2039
40 Willcocks Street
The history of technoscience, sex, gender, race, environmental politics, and capitalism in the United States, through transnational and postcolonial theoretical perspectives.
Kevin O’Neill
Assistant Professor, Department and Centre for the Study of Religion,
Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Ph.D. Stanford
170 St. George Street, Room 301
Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity; violence and affect, erotics and politics; diaspora and transnational studies; Guatemalan/LA migrations; contemporary social movements.
Ron Pruessen
Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Pennsylvania
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2085
100 St. George Street,
20th century U.S. foreign policy and international relations.
David Rayside
Professor, Department of Political Science/Sexual Diversity Studies
Ph.D. Michigan
University College, Room 251
15 King's College Circle
Politics of sexual diversity in Canada, the U.S., and Europe, and in political mobilization by religious Conservatives.
John H. Reibetanz
Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Princeton
Victoria College, Room 321
91 Charles Street West
Modern American and British poetry; 16th and 17th century poetry and drama; Shakespeare.
Jeffrey Reitz
R.F. Harney Professor of Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, and
Professor, Department of Sociology
Ph.D. Columbia, FRSC
Munk School of Global Affairs, Room 358S
1 Devonshire Place
Employment experiences of immigrant and ethnic populations.
Ted Relph
Professor, Department of Geography; Chair, UTSC Department of Social Sciences
Ph.D. University of Toronto
University of Toronto at Scarborough, Room S406
1265 Military Trail
Phenomenology of place and sense of place, urban form, landscapes and design, and environmental philosophy.
John Paul Ricco
Associate Professor of Contemporary Art, Media Theory, and Criticism, Department of
Visual Studies UTM; Graduate Professor, Department of Art; Program Director,
Visual Culture & Communication (VCC) Specialist Program.
Ph.D. University of Chicago
CCT Building, Room 3057
3359 Mississauga Road North
Critical Theory, Modern & Contemporary Art, Queer Theory, Performance Studies.
Sue Ruddick
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5059
100 St. George Street
Space, power, architecture.
Nic Sammond
Associate Professor, Department of Cinema Studies/English
Ph.D. University of California San Diego
Innis College, Room 231
2 Sussex Ave.
Popular culture; cinema and media studies; early animation; racial formation; wrestling.
Dana Seitler
Associate Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. University of Chicago
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 833
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth—and early twentieth—century American literature and culture, feminist theory, queer theory and sexuality studies, cultural studies of science, and visual culture.
Mark Solovey
Assistant Professor, History of Psychology and Social Sciences,
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Victoria College, Room 314
91 Charles Street West
History of the social and behavioural sciences in the United States.
Meghan Sutherland
Associate Professor, Department of Visual Studies (UTM); Graduate Professor,
Cinema Studies Institute
Ph.D. Northwestern University
CCT Building, Room 3022
3359 Mississauga Road North
Film and Media Theory; Continental Philosophy; Television and Popular Culture; Avant-Garde Media; Political Theory.
Alyson Syme
Assistant Professor, Fine Art History/Visual & Media Culture
Ph.D. Harvard
Centre for Visual and Media Culture, University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. North
European and American 19th & 20th century art and visual culture, queer theory, feminism, psychoanalysis,
fin-de-siècle studies, and the history of science.
Theo Verinakis
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies;
Sessional Lecturer, Department of Anthropology
Ph.D. University of California San Diego
Settler colonialism; racial formation.
Marga Vicedo
Assistant Professor, History of Biology, Institute for the History and
Philosophy of Science and Technology
Ph.D. Harvard and University of Valencia, Spain
History and philosophy of biology in the twentieth century, especially the history of genetics, evolution, and animal research; history of scientific views about human instincts.
Rob Vipond
Professor, Department of Political Science; Director, Collaborative Doctoral Program
on the Dynamics of Global Change
Ph.D. Harvard
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 3008
100 St. George Street
American politics, especially American constitutional law, and Canadian politics, especially Canadian
federalism and constitutional law.
Rinaldo Walcott
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology and Equity Studies, OISE
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor St. W., 12th floor
Cultural studies and postcolonial studies with an emphasis on black diaspora studies.
Michael Wayne
Professor, Department of History
Ph.D. Yale
University College, Room B202
15 King's College Circle
Antebellum US; slavery; African American history.
Sarah Wilson
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Ph.D. Columbia
Jackman Humanities Building, Room 914
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth—and twentieth—century American literature; literary modernism; theories of ethnicity, pluralism, democracy, and cosmopolitanism; and, urban studies.
Linda White
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Director and Associate Chair,
Department of Political Science; Affiliate, School of Public Policy and Governance
Ph.D. University of Toronto
Department of Political Science, Room 3030
100 St. George Street
Comparative social and family policy, particularly early childhood education and care and maternity/parental leave; gender and public policy; comparative welfare states; ideas, norms, and public policy development; and federalism, law and public policy.
150 St. George Street
Labour economics; public economics, and applied econometrics.
725 Spadina Avenue
advertising; food studies.
1265 Military Trail
for Studies in Education [OISE)
252 Bloor Street West
education and media, explored through cultural, feminist and communication studies.
1 Devonshire Place
170 St. George Street
Caribbean Literature; Black Diaspora Literatures and Cultures (including Caribbean, African-American,
Black British and Black Canadian); Cultural Studies/Popular Culture; Poetry/Poetics; Postcolonial Theory;
and Creative Writing.
Department of Theory and Policy Studies, OISE
252 Bloor Street West
Leadership in higher education; improving the quality of the student experience; activism as a form of leadership and student development; understanding cultural differences and discrimination, with a view toward transformation.
100 St. George Street
Modern and contemporary art; art historical methodology; English cosmopolitanism in art theory since
the 18th century.
1 Devonshire Place
Tel: 416-978-8114
American literature, queer literature, queer theory, literary theory, and critical race theory.
Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave., Room 232A
Filmmaking practices and textual politics of various counter-cinematic traditions, especially feminist,
Aboriginal, and "independent" cinema.
100 St. Joseph Street
French, technology and culture.
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth-Century American Literature; Ethnicity in American Literature; Liberalism; Romanticism;
Lyric Poetry; Social Class in literature and literary criticism.
1265 Military Trail
150 St. George St.
University of Toronto at Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Rd. North
100 St. George Street
Militarism and geopolitics, The Cold War, environmental history, Arctic studies, and urban culture.
14 Queen's Park Cres. West
Comparative and historical patterns of violence, gender, and intimate violence, the imprisonment of women,
Citizenship, borders, security, economy, nation-states, and globalization.
121 St. George Street
The labour market impacts of trade liberalization and globalization; gender discrimination, including pay equity; youth unemployment; retirement and pension issues; strikes, and workers' compensation.
100 St. George Street
Urban and economic geography, political economy, uneven development, governance.
Transnational race and labour; meat packing; sugar industries.
150 St. George Street
Economic history, and labour economics.
100 St. George Street
Global modernisms, contemporary art practices in Africa and its diasporas, postcolonial theory, and
the politics of exhibition.
Modern social history, cultural history of sub-Saharan Africa; animal studies; Anglo-American
perceptions of African subjectivity in historical perspective.
100 St. George Street
Production and consumption in early America, particularly related to textiles and clothing; fashion,
material culture theory and methodology, and museology.
North Borden Building
563 Spadina Crescent, 2nd floor
Aboriginal studies and indigenous native North American literatures; North American literatures of resistance; Cultural studies; and speculative fiction.
Jackman Humanities Institute Faculty Research Fellow (2014-2015)
170 St. George Street
1265 Military Trail
Social and (broadly defined) political history of the United States since 1877, with a focus on immigration, ethnicity and race, urban America, and ideologies of pluralism and nationalism.
2 Sussex Ave.
Film history, early cinema (pre-1915) of the U.S; early Hollywood.
Bissell Room 614
100 St George Street
Early American cinema, twentieth-century popular culture, American cultural history.
73 Queen's Park Crescent East
Gender and religion; alternative healing movements; 20th century Christianity.
Faculty of Arts & Science
15 King’s College Circle
English Medieval and Renaissance theatre history and drama; and, contemporary popular American film (including science fiction film.
100 St George Street
Dada, Surrealism, and contemporary Canadian and British art.
100 St. George Street
Political decision-making; elections, parties, political strategy, and voting.
Historical geography of North American economic restructuring; industrial and social geography
of suburban Chicago, 1850-1950; wartime manufacturing and metropolitan growth; colonial urban
India, and social exclusion.
1265 Military Trail
Intersections of culture, gender, and organizations.
1265 Military Trail
1265 Military Trail
Cinema studies, American literature, narrative theory, women’s studies.
Director, Women & Gender Studies Institute
19 Russell Street
Language and gender, language and political economy, feminist anthropology, language and political ecology,
the anthropology of North America and of the Philippines, American empire and ethnohistory.
27 King's College Circle
Pragmatism, especially the work of C.S. Peirce, epistemology, and moral philosophy.
170 St. George Street,
American literature; feminist, psychoanalytic and literary theory; African-American literature; the political
philosophy of marriage.
170 St. George Street
Musical theatre; Jewish studies; popular culture.
40 Willcocks Street
The history of technoscience, sex, gender, race, environmental politics, and capitalism in the United States, through transnational and postcolonial theoretical perspectives.
Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity; violence and affect, erotics and politics; diaspora and transnational studies; Guatemalan/LA migrations; contemporary social movements.
100 St. George Street,
20th century U.S. foreign policy and international relations.
15 King's College Circle
Politics of sexual diversity in Canada, the U.S., and Europe, and in political mobilization by religious Conservatives.
91 Charles Street West
Modern American and British poetry; 16th and 17th century poetry and drama; Shakespeare.
Jeffrey Reitz
Professor, Department of Sociology
1 Devonshire Place
Employment experiences of immigrant and ethnic populations.
1265 Military Trail
Phenomenology of place and sense of place, urban form, landscapes and design, and environmental philosophy.
Visual Studies UTM; Graduate Professor, Department of Art; Program Director,
Visual Culture & Communication (VCC) Specialist Program.
3359 Mississauga Road North
Critical Theory, Modern & Contemporary Art, Queer Theory, Performance Studies.
100 St. George Street
Space, power, architecture.
2 Sussex Ave.
Popular culture; cinema and media studies; early animation; racial formation; wrestling.
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth—and early twentieth—century American literature and culture, feminist theory, queer theory and sexuality studies, cultural studies of science, and visual culture.
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science
91 Charles Street West
History of the social and behavioural sciences in the United States.
Cinema Studies Institute
3359 Mississauga Road North
Film and Media Theory; Continental Philosophy; Television and Popular Culture; Avant-Garde Media; Political Theory.
3359 Mississauga Rd. North
European and American 19th & 20th century art and visual culture, queer theory, feminism, psychoanalysis,
fin-de-siècle studies, and the history of science.
Sessional Lecturer, Department of Anthropology
Settler colonialism; racial formation.
Philosophy of Science and Technology
History and philosophy of biology in the twentieth century, especially the history of genetics, evolution, and animal research; history of scientific views about human instincts.
on the Dynamics of Global Change
100 St. George Street
American politics, especially American constitutional law, and Canadian politics, especially Canadian
federalism and constitutional law.
252 Bloor St. W., 12th floor
15 King's College Circle
Antebellum US; slavery; African American history.
170 St. George Street
Nineteenth—and twentieth—century American literature; literary modernism; theories of ethnicity, pluralism, democracy, and cosmopolitanism; and, urban studies.
Department of Political Science; Affiliate, School of Public Policy and Governance
100 St. George Street
Comparative social and family policy, particularly early childhood education and care and maternity/parental leave; gender and public policy; comparative welfare states; ideas, norms, and public policy development; and federalism, law and public policy.