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December 2000



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Office of the Chair


Year-End Celebration Reminder - December 7, 2000

Plan to join our colleagues and co-workers in a celebration of the year-end. The event will be held in the main dining room of the University's Faculty Club December 7, 2000 between 5:30 and 7:30 PM. The details follow:



The Department of Health Administration
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto


Thursday, December 7, 2000 5:30-7:30 p.m.

The Faculty Club, Main Dining Room
University of Toronto
41 Willcocks Street
(East of Spadina Avenue, 3 blocks north of College)



Departmental Re-Naming -- Update

As you may know a Department Task Force was struck this summer to over see the process of selecting a new name for the Department of Health Administration.  Members of the Task Force include:  Tina Smith (Chair), Helena Axler,     Ross Baker, Ruth Corbin, Brian Feldman and  Sue Ross.  The Task Force met in August to discuss the process and criteria for selecting a new name and it was agreed by all present that the new name must:


- be recognizable and relevant to alumni and key stakeholders

- encompass the increasing breadth of Departmental activities

- encompass the future focus of the Department, and

- reflect the Department’s uniqueness


It was also agreed that the selection process should provide ample opportunity for all members to participate in the process and bring forward their ideas and suggestions for discussion.  As such the Task Force will undertake to:


- review names of similar Departments at other Universities

- call for suggestions for names from Department members

- prepare a short list of names that meet the selection criteria

- consult with the Department and the community on the short list

- recommend 2 names

- conduct a referendum to make the final selection


The Task Force has currently conducted the review, sent out a call for suggestions for names and prepared a short list of names for consultation with the Department and the community.  Suggested names have included:


- Department of Health Strategies

- Department of Health Management and Research

- Department of Health Care Management, Policy and Research

- Department of Health Care Evaluation, Management and Policy

- Department of Health Management, Policy and Evaluation


To date consultations have taken place at the Department faculty meeting and the Clinical Epidemiology program retreat.  The task force has met to share the feedback and will be looking to prepare a list of names for further consultation and final selection.  Central administration feedback has indicated that the term research should not be included in a Department name as this function can be attributed to all academic units.

If you have any suggestions for names or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me by E-mail at tina.smith@utoronto.ca or via phone at 946-3023.


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