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Health Administration Faculty Provide Leadership for
Hospital Report 2001

Under the leadership of Adalsteinn Brown, faculty from the Department of Health Administration are collaborating with lead investigators from Providence Centre, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CIHI, the Women's Health Directorate, the Faculty of Nursing, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, ACREU and ICES to develop Hospital Report 2001. The Ontario Hospital Association and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care have jointly sponsored the report. Hospital Report 2001 will extend well beyond the acute care sector, providing insights into emergency care, complex continuing care, rehabilitation, mental health, and women's health in Ontario. The work will be completed in phases, with the first phase - acute care - planned for release in May/June 2001. Hospital Report 2001 will address the need for public accountability of our health care system, as well as providing a vehicle for quality improvement.

Dementia Care Service Delivery Networks in Ontario

This is a two-year multi-site research study examining four dementia care service delivery networks in Ontario: Hamilton, Niagara, Toronto and Ottawa. Approximately 16 agencies are involved in each network. It is collaboration between investigators at McMaster University and the University of Toronto and is funded through the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Louise Lemieux-Charles and Larry Chambers are the co-principal investigators. The objective is to determine whether a network model of care, spanning the health and social support services for individuals with Dementia and their families can ensure continuity of care for consumers and accountability among providers.

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