D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T    A N D    E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


November/December 2004


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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Honours and Awards

Mary Jo Haddad Appointed President and CEO of Sick Kids

The Hospital for Sick Children announced in November that Mary Jo Haddad has been appointed President and CEO. Ms. Haddad has held the position of interim President and CEO since July 2004. "After an international search for our new CEO, Mary Jo was the unanimous choice of the search committee whose recommendation was unanimously ratified by the entire Board," said Mr. Bruce Richmond, chair of the search committee and vice-chair and chair designate of the Board of Trustees. "Mary Jo is an outstanding leader. She has the full support of our medical executives and commands the respect of everyone in the hospital," said David Galloway, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Ms. Haddad is Adjunct Lecturer and alumnus (class of ’98) of the department of HPME.

Terry Sullivan Appointed CEO of Cancer Care Ontario

Dr. Terry Sullivan, former Chief Operating Officer of Cancer Care Ontario (CCO), has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer. Formerly the President of the Institute for Work and Health, Dr. Sullivan has been with CCO since 2001. “The transformation of cancer systems in Ontario over the past few years has been remarkable,” said Dr. Sullivan. “I am looking forward to guiding the continued success of this transformation and managing Cancer Care Ontario 's long term goal to be the best cancer system in the world.” Dr. Sullivan is an Associate Professor in HPME.

Dr. Jadad Awarded Latin American Achievement Award

Dr. Alejandro (Alex) Jadad received one of fourteen Canadian Latin Achievement Awards in September 2004. The Award was given in recognition of his “making the greatest contribution to the development of a strong relationship between Canada and the Hispanic World”. The Premio Somos Latin American Achievement Awards Canada is an annual award ceremony that recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the Latin American community of Canada . Dr. Jadad is a Professor in HPME and the department of Anesthesia and the Director of the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation based out of the University Health Network.

Dr. Dave Davis Receives Honourary Fellowship from the RCPSC

In October, Dr. Dave Davis received an honourary fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Davis is a Professor in HPME and the department of Family and Community Medicine, the Associate Dean of Continuing Education and the Interim Leader of the Knowledge Translation Program in the Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. Feldman Receives the Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award

Dr. Brian M. Feldman, Associate Professor in the department of HPME and Pediatrics, was awarded the Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) during its Annual Scientific Meeting, Oct. 16-21 in San Antonio , Texas . Dr. Feldman's main focus has been in clinical research in the field of childhood rheumatic disease. He has worked to improve the tools available to assist in this research, including outcomes measurement tools, and methods for the study of new therapies and contributed to advances in prevention, treatment and outcomes for a range of rheumatic diseases. He is a staff rheumatologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, and is the Clinical Chief of the Arthritis Team at the Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre.

Winners of the Ted Freedman Award for Innovation in Education

A project submitted by Frank Markel, Adjunct Faculty in HPME and Executive Director of the Joint Policy and Planning Committee (JPPC); Dr. Brian Golden, Professor in the Rotman School of Management and cross-appointed to HPME; and Experience Point Consulting were the winner of this year's Ted Freedman Award for Innovation in Education in health, health services and health management. Their project, "Accountability Agreement Simulation Exercise", demonstrated how hospital and government officials could use an interest and planning-based model to negotiate agreement on hospital performance goals and Ministry funding, thereby improving accountability for health services. The 2004 award was sponsored by Healthcare Quarterly, the Ontario Hospital Association and Johnson and Johnson Medical Products.

+ + GRANTS + +

Fall 2004 Research Grants

Dr. Laurie Morrison (co-Principal Investigator) and Drs. Dave Davis and Donald Redelmeier (co-Investigators) of HPME were awarded a five-year U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical research consortium grant for the project "From Bench to Bedside to Curbside". The UofT will be one of ten centres across Canada and the U.S. that will carry out large scale clinical trials on out-of-hospital resuscitation. Headed by Principal Investigator Arthur Slutsky, other members of the research team include co-PI Paul Dorian, and co-Investigators James Hutchinson, James Lavery and Ori Rotstein.

Dr. Angela Cheung received the Ontario Premier's Research Excellence Award on Innovations in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. The grant of $150,000 is for the term August 2004 to March 2009.

Dr. Nizar Mahomed is co-Investigator of the study "Multidisciplinary clinical practice guidelines for total hip and knee arthroplasty rehabilitation" funded by the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis. Other members of the research team include Catherine Backman (Principle Investigator), Mary Bell, Victoria Brander, Mark Fitzgerald, Nelson Greidanus, Deborah Marie Kennedy and Matthew Liang.

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