D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


November/December 2004


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

Back Issues


Xiaolin Wei Accepts Position as Research Fellow at Nuffield Institute

Xiaolin Wei, latest recipient of HPME's most promising PhD student (Ted Goldberg) award, has accepted a position as Research Fellow at the prestigious Nuffield Institute for Health at the University of Leeds, UK. Xiaolin will be responsible for managing and supporting the Tuberculosis (TB) and TB/HIV program in South Asia and South Africa, supervising master students and giving lectures in the International Health and Development Group at Nuffield. Xiaolin Wei defends his thesis in November 2004 under the supervision of HPME's Dr. David Zakus.

Laura Visser Wins 2004 Alan Hay Award

Each year, the R. Alan Hay Memorial Trust Fund of the Ontario Hospital Association awards the R. Alan Hay Memorial Prize to outstanding health administration students in Master's degree programs of designated universities. The award is given in commemoration of Alan Hay's lifelong contribution to the improvement of healthcare services, and is based primarily on performance and promise demonstrated by a student in their administrative residencies. This year the University of Toronto award went to HPME student Laura Visser, Class of 2005.

Laura completed her residency at the Toronto East General   Hospital under the preceptorship of Mr. Rob Devitt, President and CEO. During her placement, Laura had a significant role in several key organizational priorities, including the development of a business case for cataract surgery, a review and redesign of the hospital's board level Community Advisory Council, and the development of indicators and performance measures for the organization's newly developed strategic plan. "Laura clearly demonstrated that she has the capabilities, passion, drive and determination to contribute to the improvement of health care services in Canada." said Mr. Devitt.

Warren Winkelman Awarded Canadian Dermatology Foundation Grant

Warren Winkelman, PhD student in the eHealth and Health Information Management Program of HPME, was awarded a Canadian Dermatology Foundation Grant for his project "Operationalizing patient-centered dermatology:  An institutional ethnographic case study of PERC (Phototherapy Education and Research Centre) at the University of Toronto".

The Department of HPME Proudly Presents
the Class of 2004 – November Convocation


Doug Lee
Matthew Stanbrook
Lillian Sung
Jill Tinmouth


MSc Health Administration

Jocelyn Mackie
Dara Zarnett

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (Thesis)

Catherine Birken
Alice Charach
Christopher Denny
Katina Tzanetos

MSc Clinical Epidemiology (non-Thesis)

Andrea Doria
Philip Haigh
Susanne Schibli
Rita Selby
Steven Shadowitz

Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Care Research

Kourosh Afshar
Adriana Costei
Pieway Hwang
Rosa Marticorena
Ravi Retnakaran

MHSc Health Administration

Katherine Mellin
Anna Hedy Walsh

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