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Volumes 1-VI are now available online (click
The Tables of Content for individual isses are provided below.
Volume I, 1988
- Gary Saul Morson, "Prosaics and Anna Karenina"
- ROUND TABLE: Richard F. Gustafson, Leo Tolstoy. Resident and Stranger
Critiques: Victor Terras, Robert C. Williams, Richard Gregg, Donna
Orwin, Philip C. Rule
Reply: Richard F. Gustafson
- RECENT DISSERTATIONS: Pamela Chester, "Hagiography in the Prose
of Tolstoy and Leskov"
- Carolyn McMartin, "The Chronicle"
- Annotated Bibliography
- Amy Mandelker and Frank Silbajoris, "A Report on the Soviet-American
Tolstoy Conference"
- Robert Whittaker, "The Tolstoy Archival and Manuscript Project"
Top of page
Volume II, 1989
- ROUND TABLE: Gary Saul Morson, Hidden in Plain View. Narrative and
Creative Potentials in War and Peace
Critiques: Freeman Dyson, Alfred J. Rieber, Cathy Popkin, Carol Any,
Anna A. Tavis
Reply: Gary Saul Morson
- Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, "Helene as Pre-Oedipal Self-Object"
- Pamela Chester, "Male and Female Sense of Self in Tolstoy's
Trilogy and AnastasiaTsvetaeva's Memoirs"
- Andrey Bely, "Teacher of Consciousness" (translated, with
an essay by Olga Miller Cooke)
- Karel Capek, "Masaryk and Tolstoy" (translated by Charles
E. Townsend)
- REVIEWS: A. N. Wilson, Tolstoy (Donna Orwin); Martine de Courcel,
Tolstoy: The Ultimate Reconciliation (Caryl Emerson); Harold Bloom,
ed., Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace (Kathleen Parthé); two articles
by A. K. Zholkovsky (Donna Orwin); Peter Ulf Møller, Postlude
to the Kreutzer Sonata (Amy Mandelker)
- Amy Mandelker, "Re-reading Tolstoy:; New Directions in Tolstoy
- Annotated Bibliography
- RECENT DISSERTATIONS: Frank Ellis, "Concepts of War in L. N.
Tolstoy and V. S. Grossman"
- Robert H. Davis, Jr., "The Third Seminar on Tolstoy and America"
Top of page
Volume III, 1990
- Ronald LeBlanc, "Levin Visits Anna: The Iconology of Harlotry"
- Traci Carroll, "Sports/Writing and Tolstoy's Critique of Male
Authority in Anna Karenina"
- Elizabeth Trahan, "'The Divine and the Human. Or Three More
Deaths': A Late Chapter in Tolstoy's Dialogue with Death"
- Natasha Sankovitch, "Readers' Experience of Repetition in Tolstoy"
- Dragan Milivojevic, "Tolstoy's Views of Buddhism"
- Galya Diment, "'Tolstoy or Dostoevsky' and the Modernists:
Polemics with Joseph Brodsky"
- Amy Mandelker, "Feminist Criticism and Anna Karenina"
- Anna Travis, "Comrade Lenin or Count Leo Tolstoy? Reflections
after Some Memorable Meetings at Harrogat
- Nathan Rosen, "Notes on War and Peace"
- Scott Craig, "The Hunt for Truth in War and Peace"
- REVIEWS: Jay Parini, The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Last
Year (Caryl Emerson); Hugh McLean, ed., In the Shade of the Giant.
Essays on Tolstoy (Edward Wasiolek); Alexander Fodor, A Quest for
a Non-Violent Russia: The Partnership of Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir
Chertkov (Zinaida Vaganova)
- William Edgerton "Meeting an Old Tolstoyan Leader in Siberia"
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume IV, 1991
- David Sloane, "Pushkin's Legacy in Anna Karenina"
- Liza Knapp, "Tolstoy on Musical Mimesis: Platonic Aesthetics
and Erotics in The Kreutzer Sonata"
- Duffield White, "An Evolutionary Study of Tolstoy's First Story,
The Raid"
- Jane Gary Harris, "A Humanist Reading of Tolstoy: The Writings
of Petr M. Bitsilli"
- Dragan Milivojevic, "Some Similarities and Differences between
Tolstoy's Concepts of Identity and Vocation and Their Parallels in
- ROUND TABLE: Rimvydas Silbajoris, Tolstoy's Aesthetics and His Art
Discussants: Victor Terras, Charles Moser, Kathleen Parthé,
Richard Gustafson
- Gary Saul Morson, "The Tolstoy Questions, Reflections on the
Silbajoris Thesis"
Professor Silbajoris Replies
- REVIEWS: Michael R. Katz, ed., Tolstoy's Short Fiction (John Kopper);
Gary Adelman, Anna Karenina: The Bitterness of Ectasy (Caryl Emerson);
Eric de Haard, Narrative and Anti-Narrative Structures in Lev Tolstoy's
Early Works (James Roney)
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume V, 1992
- Thomas Barran, "Rousseau's Political Vision and Tolstoy's What
is Art"
- Robert Edwards, "Tolstoy and John Dewey: Pragmatism and Prosaics"
- Galya Diment, "Tolstoy and Bloomsbury"
- Philip Rogers, "Tolstoy's Hamlet"
- Suzanne Osborne, "When a House is Not a Home: The Alien Residences
of Effi Briest and Anna Karenina"
- Anna Tavis, "Leo Tolstoy and James Joyce: Post-Communist Negotiations"
- Robert Whittaker, "Americans Write to Tolstoy: A Report on
the Tolstoy-USA Project"
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume VI, 1993: Special issue on Tolstoy
and sexuality
- Ronald LeBlanc, "Unpalatable Pleasures: Tolstoy, Food, and
- Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, "Anna's Adultery: Distal Sociobiology
vs. Proximate Psychoanalysis"
- Anthony Anemone, "Gender, Genre, and the Discourse of Imperialism
in Tolstoy's Cossacks"
- Dragan Kujundzic, "Pardoning Woman in Anna Karenina"
- Robert Edwards, "Tolstoy and Alice B. Stockham: The Influence
of Tokology on The Kreutzer Sonata"
Leo Tolstoy, "Preface to Tokology"
- Robert Edwards, "A History of the Composition of the 'Afterword
to The Kreutzer Sonata'"
Leo Tolstoy, "Afterword to The Kreutzer Sonata"
- William Nickell, "The Twain Shall Be of One Mind: Tolstoy in
'Leag' with Eliza Burnz and Henry Parkhurst"
Leo Tolstoy, "On the Relations between the Sexes"
- ROUND TABLE: Donna Tussing Orwin, Tolstoy's Art and Thought 1847-1880
Discussants: Caryl Emerson, Andrew Wachtel, Gary Jahn
Reply: Donna Orwin
- REVIEWS: Gareth Williams, The Influence of Tolstoy on Readers of
His Works (Natasha Sankovitch); William Edgerton, ed., Memoirs of
Peasant Tolstoyans in Soviet Russia (Gina Kovarsky)
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume VII, 1994
- Martin Bidney, "'Three Deaths' and 'How People Die': Insight
and Idealization in Tolstoy and Zola"
- Zinaida Vaganova, "Pushkin, Tolstoy, and the Potlatch: The
Economy of Loss in Anna Karenina"
- Curt Whitcomb, "Resisting the Effortless in Anna Karenina"
- Olga Meerson, "Literary Genesis of a Justification for Killing:
From Posterity to Forefathers"
- Robert Edwards, "Prosaics and Pragmatism: Deweyan Philosophy
through Tolstoyan Art"
- ROUND TABLE: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, Tolstoy's Pierre Bezhukov:
A Psychoanalytic Study
Discussants: Brett Cooke, Ronald LeBlanc, Duffield White, James Rice
Reply: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume VIII, 1995-1996: Special issue on
Anna Karenina
- David Herman, "Allowable Passions in Anna Karenina"
- Svetlana Evdokimova, "The Drawing and the Grease Spot: Creativity
and Interpretation in Anna Karenina"
- Amy Mandelker, "Illustrate and Condemn: The Phenomenology of
Vision in Anna Karenina"
- Gina Kovarsky, "Mimesis and Moral Education in Anna Karenina"
- Liza Knapp, "The Estates of Pokrovskoe and Vosdvizhenskoe:
Tolstoy's Labyrinth of Linkings in Anna Karenina"
- Justin Weir, "Anna Incommunicada: Language and Consciousness
in Anna Karenina"
- Ian Saylor, "Anna Karenina and Don Giovanni: The Vengeance
Motif in Oblonsky's Dream"
- James Rice, "Some Observations on Stiva's Dream"
- William Mills Todd III, "Reading Anna in Parts"
- ROUND TABLE: Amy Mandelker, Framing Anna Karenina: Tolstoy, the
Woman Question, and the Victorian Novel
Discussants: Caryl Emerson, Charles Isenberg, Donna Orwin
Reply: Amy Mandelker
- REVIEW: Gary Saul Morson, Narrative and Freedom: The Shadows of
Time (Hans Jürg Rindisbacher and Larissa Rudova
- Caryl Emerson, "Prosaics in Anna Karenina: Pro and Con"
- Gary Saul Morson, "Poetic Justice, False Listening, and Falling
in Love, Or, Why Anna Refuses a Divorce"
- Annotated Bibliography
Top of page
Volume IX, 1997
Volume X, 1998
Volume XI, 1999
Volume XIV, 2002
- Donna Tussing Orwin, "Note from the Editor"
- Caryl Emerson, "Leo Tolstoy and the Rights of Music under Stalin
(Another look at Prokofiev's Party-Minded Masterpiece, War and Peace)"
- Sarah Hudspith, "Narrative and Miscarriages of Justice in Tolstoy's
- Hugh McLean, "A Clash of Utopias: Tolstoy and Gorky"
- Harriet Murav, "Maslova's Exorbitant Body"
- From the history of Tolstoy criticism: Fedor Sologub's "The
One Path of Lev Tolstoy", introduction, translation, and annotation
by Jason Merrill
- Poetry: Carl Dennis, "Audience", Anne Carson, "TVMen:
- Archival research: Excerpts from A.D. Donskov, ed., Z.N. Ivanova
and L.D. Gromova, compilers. Iz arkhiva N.N. Guseva: Novye materialy
o L.N. Tolstom. (Ottawa: Slavic Research Group at the University of
Ottawa and State L.N. Tolstoy Museum, Moscow, 2002). Introduction
by Andrew Donskov; translations by John Woodsworth.
- Research notes: Lidiia Gromova-Opulskaia, "Was Levin's sky
'high' or 'quiet' in Anna Karenina?"; Carol Flath and Richard
Sheldon, "Two More Views on the Pevear-Volokhonsky Translation
of Anna Karenina", with a response from Hugh McLean
- Tolstoy scholarship in Russia and abroad: Paul Haddock, "Recent
Publications and Annotated Bibliography for 2001-2002"; Mark
Conliffe, "Supplement to the Annotated Bibliography for 1988-1994"
- Reviews: Lev Anninsky. Okhota na L'va (Michael Denner); A.D. Donskov,
ed., Z.N. Ivanova and L.D. Gromova, compilers. Iz arkhiva N.N. Guseva:
Novye materialy o L.N. Tolstom (Gary Jahn); Anna Glebovna Grodetskaia.
Otvety predaniia: zhitiia sviatykh v dukhovnom poiske L'va Tolstogo;
Helena Goscilo and Petre Petrov, eds. Anna Karenina on Page &
Screen, Studies in Slavic Cultures II (Justin Weir); Donna Orwin,
ed. The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy (Julie Buckler)
- News from the Profession: Conference in Tbilisi (Anna Hruska), Harvard
Tolstoy Conference (Justin Weir)
Top of page
Volume XV, 2002
- Easley, Roxanne. Count L.N. Tolstoy, Peace Arbitrator 1861-1862.
pp. 1-18.
- Galagan, Galina Ia. Tolstoy's Confession: The Conception of
a Worldview [Translated by Dale Peterson]. pp. 19-24.
- Jackson, Robert Louis. Scenes from the Apocalypse in Tolstoy;s
War and Peace: The Lion of Judah. pp. 25-34.
- Love, Jeff. The End of Knowing in War and Peace. pp. 35-49.
- Oliver, Donna. Dolokhov as Romantic Parody: Ambiguity and Incongruity
in Tolstoy;s Pre-Byronic Hero. pp. 50-66.
- Scanlan, James. From William James to Karl Marx: David Kvitko's
Studies of Tolstoy the Thinker. pp. 67-78.
- Tsurikov, N.A. Encounters with Tolstoy. Translated, introduced,
and annotated by Vladimir A. Tsurikov. pp. 79-98.
- Gregg, Richard. Tolstoy as Goldilocks: The Solution to a Mystery.
p. 99.
- Haddock, Paul. Recent Publications and Annotated Bibliography,
2002-2003. pp. 100-105.
- Conliffe, Mark. Supplement to the Annotated Bibliography for
1988-1994. pp. 107-110.
- Mandelker, Amy. Kåre Johan Mjør. Desire, Death,
and Imitation. Narrative Patterns in the Late Tolstoy. Bergen,
Norway: Slavica Bergensia 4 (2002). pp. 111-112.
- Cruise, Edwina. Liza Knapp and Amy Mandelker, eds. Approaches
to Teaching Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. New York: The Modern Language
Association of America, 2003. pp. 112-114.
- Mandelker, Amy. Anna in the Tropics. A play in two acts,
by Nilo Cruz. pp. 114-116.
- Gromova-Opul'skaia. Sergei Romanov, ed. Russkie mysliteli o
Tolstom. Tula: "Iasnaia Poliana"
- L.D. Publishers, 2002 [Text of review translated by Lonny Harrison].
pp. 117-121.
- McLean, Hugh. L.N. Tolstoi and N.N. Strakhov. L.N. Tolstoi I
N.N. Strakhov: Polnoe sobranie perepiski. A.A. Donskov, ed.;
L.D. Gromova and T.G. Nikiforova, compilers. Ottawa: Slavic Research
Group at the University of Ottawa and Moscow: L.N. Tolstoy State Museum,
2003. 2 vols. pp. 122-124.
- Hudspith, Sarah. [Account of] L.N. Tolstoi v dvizhenii vremeni.
Linked conferences in honour of the 175th anniversary of the writer's
birth. Iasnaia Poliana, Tula, Moscow, 28 August – 5 September
2003. pp. 125-129.
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