TSQ Library TÑß 34, 2010TSQ 34

Toronto Slavic Annual 2003Toronto Slavic Annual 2003

Steinberg-coverArkadii Shteinvberg. The second way

Anna Akhmatova in 60sRoman Timenchik. Anna Akhmatova in 60s

Le Studio Franco-RusseLe Studio Franco-Russe

 Skorina's emblem

University of Toronto · Academic Electronic Journal in Slavic Studies

Toronto Slavic Quarterly

Manuscript Submission Instructions

Submissions should be sent electronically as an attachment file to the editors or to a member of the editorial board. Alternatively, manuscripts can be sent to a special E-mail address .

Manuscripts for consideration should be created with Microsoft Word or Open Office with 1" margins throughout the manuscript.

The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the article, the author's name, affiliation, and complete contact information, as well as a short biographical note of 15-50 words. No identifying marks should appear on the subsequent pages since submissions are sent to outside reviewers in anonymous form.

All pages of the manuscript should be numbered. The text of the article should be created using 11 font size with the title in 13 font size. Capitalize the main words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and the first and last words in English-language titles. Paragraphs should not be tabulated. The text should not be justified on the right margin.

The Library of Congress transliteration system should be followed.

The text of the manuscript must contain references to all of the sources cited in the paper. Works cited should be placed at the end of the paper and notes - at the bottom of the page. Authors are respectfully asked to ensure accuracy of the citations as well as agreement between citations in the text and information in the endnotes.

All images (illustrations and photographs) and tables should be sent as separate attached files; approximate desirable placement of images and tables should be indicated in the text. It is preferred that illustrations and photographs included in the manuscript be sent in .JPG format. However, other formats are also acceptable. All images must be accompanied with information about their author/ creator; date of creation; and/or source of the image. Images not created in digital format but suitable for scanning should be sent to the editors separately via regular mail to the following address:

Professor Zahar Davydov & Professor Kenneth Lantz
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Toronto
121 St. Joseph Street,
Alumni Hall (AH)
Rm. 406A
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1J4

All illustrations and photographs sent via regular mail should be clearly marked with the author's name and the manuscript title on the back and contain all accompanying information required for digital images, as per outline above.

For further information please contact Zahar Davydov
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University of Toronto University of Toronto