Toronto Slavic Annual
Toronto Slavic Quarterly is pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of Toronto Slavic Annual, a three-hundred-page collection of some of the articles that have appeared in our electronic journal over the past year, plus a number of specially commissioned articles.
The price is $35.00 Canadian (for organizations), $25.00 for individuals.
Please reserve your copy by writing to:
Toronto Slavic Quarterly
Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
University of Toronto
121 St. Joseph Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 1J4
Or by e-mail to:
Please include your mailing address or e-mail and indicate the number of copies you would like to reserve.
The Fiction and Poetry of Scholars
Maria G. Rewakowicz Introducing the Ukrainian Emigre Poets of the New-York Group
Dmitrii Bak "По-украински думаю, вижу и осязаю мир..."
Susanna Chernobrova Ранголи и Дато из 32 автобуса
Boris Dvinianinov Из стихов разных лет
Edited, with an introductory note, by Sergei Biriukov
Artur Grabowski Roztopy
Vera Kalmykova О себе и стихах
Ol'ga Kushlina Джида
Krzysztof Koehler Msza o Czwartej
Tatiana Tsarkova "Я-анахронизм"
Aleksandr Zholkovskii Виньетки
Liudmila Zubova "Наверное я свои стихи писала для того, чтобы научиться читать стихи поэтов…"
Canadian poets translated by Evgeny Vitkovskii, Mikhail Gasparov and Roman Dubrovkine
The Centenary of "The Poet's House"
Vladimir Kupchenko Николай Лебедев - пионер волошиноведения
Три коктебельца: С.Соловьев, М.Тарловский и Г.Шенгели
Edited, with introductory articles, by Vadim Perelmuter
Mikhail Bezrodny CP
Редакционное послесловие.
Taras Koznarsky A Prisoner of the Caucasus and a Captive of Vernacular
Aleksandr Lavrov Стивенсон по-русски: Доктор Джекил и мистер Хайд на рубеже двух столетий
Margarita Pavlova Процесс Оскара Уальда и суд над Сашей Пыльниковым
Barry Scherr False Starts: A Note on Brodsky's Poetics
Roman Timenchik Последняя зима (глава из книги "Ахматова в 60-е годы". Журнальный вариант)
Performance Art
Yana Meerzon Forgotten Hollywood
Alexander Laskin Краткая летопись жизни и творчества Дягилева.
Nikolai Bogomolov Памяти нужного журнала
The Russian Literary Scene Today
Sergei Chuprinin "Citizens, Listen to Me…"
Literary Criticism in Post-Soviet Russia: The "Decade of Zeros"
N. Norman Shneidman Contemporary Prose in Post-Soviet Russia
Sergei Zavialov Кто они эти люди в черных плащах.
Русская поэзия в начале ХХI века
Leszek Czubik Bibliography of Selected Works by Current and Recent Professors of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto
Index of Toronto Slavic Quarterly, Nos. 1-5