D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   A D M I N I S T R A T I O N
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Health Admin Website


March 2001


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Building for the Future: Invitational Summit Discusses Future Directions of Department's Professional Programs

On January 16, 2001 the Department hosted an invitational summit as part of a planning process that will help shape the future directions for the Department's professional programs. Over 40 key stakeholders including employers, preceptors, faculty, alumni and students attended the event. The purpose of the day was to share the findings of the Department's recent market survey conducted by Helena Axler on behalf of the Department, and seek input on a set of draft recommendations for the future that included:

  1. enhancing the ability to customize the educational experience within the current modular MHSc Health Administration program;
  2. increasing program accessibility through development of a national distance program; and
  3. developing a comprehensive package of continuing education options to meet life-long learning needs.

The Department received strong confirmation on its future directions, and was also challenged with the task of undertaking a significant role, in partnership with the field, in developing the future leaders of the health care system. Next steps include the development of a curriculum development/business plan for each of these directions. A small working group consisting of MHSc Program Director, Tina Smith and Professors Ross Baker, Rhonda Cockerill and Louise Lemieux-Charles has been formed to undertake this task. If you have any thoughts on this please contact Tina Smith.

The New Electronic Classroom is Open For Business

On January 4, 2001 the new classroom opened its doors to Health Administration faculty and students alike, and is a resounding success. In particular, the students enjoy the comfort and flexibility of the room with its movable desks, comfortable chairs, and easy access to the Internet through over 45 individual computer connections.

Adjacent breakout rooms facilitate the small group learning process, and also include connections to the University Internet backbone, as well as whiteboards, flip charts and other learning tools necessary to group problem solving. For the faculty the new electronic podium, with its computer, VCR and document camera all hooked up to a ceiling mounted LCD projector, is a joy to work with.

Faculty are increasingly accessing the worldwide web in their teaching, downloading their PowerPoint presentations for use in the classroom, and using the document camera to demonstrate a point made in this morning's newspaper. Guest lectures are seamless as they move from PowerPoint to video at the switch of a button.

Many thanks go to Dr. Arnie Aberman (past Dean, Faculty of Medicine); Dr. David Naylor, Dean, Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Cathy Whiteside, Associate Dean Graduate Programs, Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Vivek Goel, Chair, Department of Health Administration; Dr. Lawrence Spero, Director Educational Computing and the Teaching Labs, Faculty of Medicine; Mr. David Keeling, Chief Administrative Officer, Faculty of Medicine; and Mr. Horatio Bot, Business Manager, Department of Health Administration for making this happen.

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