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Wendy Young to Present at the 2001 Canadian Evaluation Society, Ontario Chapter Annual Conference: Student Sponsorships Available

Students are encouraged to apply for a sponsorship for the Canadian Evaluation Society-Ontario Chapter's annual conference which will take place on April 2, 2001 at the Old Mill in Toronto. This conference will give students opportunities to network with other evaluators and decision makers.

The conference theme is "Two Worlds Connect: Enhancing the Value of Evaluation." Dr. Robert V. Segsworth (Editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation and Dean, Faculty of Social sciences Laurentian University) will introduce the conference by summarizing the current context of evaluation in Ontario, drawing on his recent experiences chronicling the field.

Conference delegates will then enjoy an evaluation case study of the Home Care After a Heart Attack Pathway evaluation. PhD student Wendy Young (Supervisor: Dr. Peter C. Coyte, co-director HCERC) and decision makers who were involved in the evaluation will present lessons learned about evaluation use from two years of experience developing and evaluating an innovative home care pathway for heart attack patients. The decision makers are: Dr. George Rewa, Cardiologist, Toronto East General Hospital; Gale Murray, President & CEO, The Change Foundation; Janet Davidson, Chief Operating Officer, Toronto East General Hospital; Tim Young, President, Canadian Home Care Association; and Nancy Lefebre, Vice President Knowledge and Practice, Saint Elizabeth Health Care).

The afternoon features a high-level panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Robert V. Segsworth. Panelists include Dr. Lorna Earl (Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto), Jonathan Lomas (Executive Director, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation), and Art Daniels, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ontario Public Service Restructuring Secretariat, Secretary of Cabinet. The panel will focus on how evaluation can be more useful to decision makers and what evaluators and decision makers can do to encourage use of the evaluation results.

For more information on the Canadian Evaluation Society, Ontario Chapter, their upcoming meeting and the student sponsorships, please visit their website.

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