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Health Admin Website


March 2001


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Recent Grant Awards

Several Faculty holding appointments in the Department were successful in the recent CIHR competitions:

Dr. Lawrence Paszat and colleagues at Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre received a grant to study "The process and outcomes of care for soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities". Raisa Deber leads a large group that was successful in the Community Alliance for Health Research competition to develop a program of research entitled "From medicare to home and community: Overtaking the limits of publicly-funded health care in Canada". Two groups were successful in the Interdisciplinary Health Research Team competition: John McLaughlin leads "Interdisciplinary studies of the determinants, impact and control of colorectal cancer. A genetic-epidemiological and population-based approach" and Jack Tu leads "Canadian cardiovascular outcomes research team".

CPHI Initiative

A group of investigators from ICES, Health Administration and Public Health Sciences led by Doug Manuel have been funded for a team grant by the Canadian Population Health Initiative. The co-investigators are Vivek Goel, Geoff Anderson, Susan Bronskill, David Alter and Cam Mustard. Their study, "Population Health Impact Assessment Tools" will be funded for three years.

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