D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   A D M I N I S T R A T I O N
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Health Admin Website


March 2001


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Other Notables

Department Hosts Study Tour from the International University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan

From February 26-28, 2001 Professor Toshiro Takahashi and a group of 17 graduate students, from the Department of Health Services Management at the International University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan visited the Department of Health Administration at the University of Toronto. This was a return trip for Professor Takahashi as he had been a visiting professor in the Department some ten years ago. He and his group were given lectures on the Canadian health system, policy making and hospital management by Professors Raisa Deber and Ross Baker, and they visited the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Shouldice Surgery Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children. Their arrangements were made and coordinated by Professor David Zakus, Department of Health Administration and the Centre for International Health.

Accountability and Performance: A Management Development Workshop for Physician Executives

The Department of Health Administration was very pleased to host a pre-conference workshop for the Canadian Society of Physician Executive's 3rd Annual Conference, held in Toronto February 24-25, 2001. The one and half-day program focused on key issues facing physician leaders in Canada including: performance measurement, accountability, budgeting, and data security and confidentiality. Sessions were led by Professors Ross Baker, Adalsteinn Brown, Vivek Goel, Kevin Leonard and Ian McKillop. Over 50 physicians from across the country attended the workshop.

Health Administration Participates in Symposium on the Use of Alternative Therapies in Mental Health

Dr. Heather Boon, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Administration will be one of 7 speakers featured at an upcoming symposium entitled Research in Alternative Therapies for Mental Illness/Mental Health to be held March 28th at Homewood Health Centre, Guelph. The Symposium features academics, researchers and practitioners in Herbal Medicine, Biofeedback, Pet Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Horticultural Therapy, Music Therapy and Massage Therapy from several Universities and Colleges. Space is still available for a student poster session. For more information, or to register, contact Gill Joseph at the Office of Open Learning at the University of Guelph (519) 824-4120 extension 4737.

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