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Health Admin Website

May 2001


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Department of Health Administration Promotions as of July 2001

Faculty Awarded Promotions

Congratulations to Drs. Rhonda Cockerill and Vivek Goel of the Department of Health Administration on their promotion to Full Professor as of July 2001.

Cross-Appointment Promotions

To Full Professor as of July 1, 2001:

  • Dr. Shelley Bull, Department of Public Health Sciences
  • Dr. Nancy Krieger, Department of Public Health Sciences
  • Dr. Steven Shumak, Department of Medicine
  • Dr. Yves Roland Talbot, Department of Family and Community Medicine

To Associate Professor as of July 1,2001:

  • Dr. Sandra Donnelly, Department of Medicine
  • Dr. Brian Feldman, Department of Paediatrics
  • Dr. Murray Krahn, Department of Medicine
  • Dr. Hans Kreder, Department of Surgery
  • Dr. Laurie Morrison, Department of Medicine
  • Dr. Paula Rochon, Department of Medicine
  • Dr. Hillary Steinhart, Department of Medicine

New Appointment

New Cross Appointment to the Department of Health Administration during the month of April

  • Dr. Andrew Howard, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery


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