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Health Admin Website

May 2001


Office of the Chair



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Nick Braithwaite Wins the 2001 Robert Wood Johnson Award

Congratulations to Nick Braithwaite, the 2001 winner of the Robert Wood Johnson award.

The Robert Wood Johnson award was established in 1956 by Johnson & Johnson Medical Products Inc., as an award program exclusively for students in the five health administration programs across Canada. The award consists of $1500, A Certificate of Merit, and travel and accommodation expenses to attend the awards ceremony at the annual National Healthcare Leadership Conference, to be held this year in Winnipeg. The University of Toronto award winner is selected by the faculty of the Department of Health Administration, and is given to a graduating student deemed most likely to contribute valuable service to the field of health services management.

Shalimar Santos-Comia (MHSc Year 2) Wins the Peter Ellis Award

Congratulations to Shalimar on being the 2001 recipient of the SWCHSC Peter Ellis Award. The award is given out annually to an employee, who is enrolled in a health administration program at the University of Toronto, and who has, or shows potential, in contributing to excellence in health administration at the Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Centre.

Shalimar currently holds the position of Co-ordinator, Nursing Education & Community Partnerships at SWCHSC. The position includes a portfolio related to nursing human resources, nursing informatics, nursing administration projects (ministry of health, federal ministry, nursing executive associations, universities), nursing research and policy and nursing strategic planning.

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