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Health Admin Website

May 2001


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




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Honours and Awards

Research Day Award Winners

The Department of Health Administration held its Annual Student Research Day on April 25, 2001. The winners of awards were:

Thomas & Edna Naylor Award
Best MSc/PhD Thesis
Shabbir Alibhai
Title: Do age and comorbidity influence the treatment of localized prostate cancer?
Supervisor: Gary Naglie

Eugenie Stuart Award
Best Instructor
George Pink, Associate Professor, Department of Health Administration
Decided on the basis of student evaluations and contribution to the Department's teaching programs, as assessed by the Department's Curriculum Committee

Ted Goldberg Award
Most Promising PhD Student
Patty Lindsay
Supervisor: Geoff Anderson

Claire Bombardier Award

Most Promising MSc (Clinical Epidemiology) Student
Unni Narayanan
Supervisor: Jim Wright

Harold Livergant Award

Outstanding MHSc Student in the Field of Complex Continuing Care
Kaiyan Fu

Maureen Dixon Award

Outstanding Student Contribution to the Field of Community Care
Wendy Young
Supervisor: Peter Coyte

MSc/PhD Poster Awards

Gene Vayda Award
First Place
Lane Ilersich
Title: Distilling the Root Causes of Rising Canadian Expenditures for Drugs
Supervisor: Raisa Deber

Second Place
Mark Dobrow
Title: Impact of Decision Making Context on the Interpretation of Evidence
Supervisor: Vivek Goel

MSc Clinical Epidemiology Poster Awards

First Place
Leah Steele
Title: SES Barriers to Ambulatory Mental Health Services Despite Universal Health Care in a Canadian Inner City Setting
Supervisor: Rick Glazier

Second Place
Ed Chow
Title: A Predictive Model for Survival in Metastatic Cancer Patients attending an Outpatient Palliative Radiology Clinic
Supervisor: Ian Tannock

MHSc Poster Awards

Rosenfeld Award
First Place
Jennifer Rodgers
Title: A RCT of Assertive Community Treatment in a Canadian Inner City Setting

Second Place
Kaiyan Fu
Title: Serving Scarborough's Frail Non-receptive Older Adults

*  *  *  *  *

Click here to view a PowerPoint slide show of Research Day.

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