D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September/October 2003


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Education Day Event - September 19, 2003

What annual event has withstood rescheduling due to SARS, is immune to blackouts and thrives in hurricane-like rain and wind?

This year's Education Day!

Despite the remnants of hurricane Isabel - an uninvited guest - this year proved to be another successful Education Day. The speakers for this year's event, focusing on the theme of accountability, highlighted the importance of transparency and integrity in demonstrating accountability from a variety of perspectives.

Dr. James Young, Commissioner of Public Safety & Security; Chief Coroner for the Province of Ontario; and Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Division, Ministry of Public Safety and Security, provided the keynote address entitled, SARS: Accountability on Public Display. Attendees also heard about accountability from another provincial perspective provided by Erik Peters, Provincial Auditor for Ontario. Examples of how accountability frameworks are being incorporated into national and local organizations were provided by Ian Mumford, Executive Vice President of Canadian Blood Services and Anne Wotjak, Director of Quality and Strategic Initiatives of the Toronto CCAC. Lastly, John Gray, Senior Writer for Canadian Business Magazine provided a non-healthcare perspective on accountability and board governance. The Society was also fortunate to have Louise Lemieux-Charles, chair of the department in HPME as moderator for the day who highlighted key issues and raised important questions for us to consider.

This day could not have been a success without the significant efforts of the planning committee: Feria Bacchus, Rob Crawford, Cheryl Harrison, Paula Marsden, Lisa Newman, Wendy Pinder.

Thank you to all those who attended Education Day and made this year's event another success. We look forward to seeing you again next year!

Charissa Levy
Chair, Planning Committee

Annual Dinner Meeting - Monday, November 3, 2003

The Society of Graduates, Department of Health Policy Management and Evaluation is holding its Annual Dinner Meeting on Monday, November 3, 2003 at the Holiday Inn on King Street. Faculty, graduates and guests are invited to attend an evening of renewing acquaintances and networking. A special guest speaker will be featured as part of the evening's agenda, including honouring the 25-year Silver Anniversary Class of 1978.

At the annual dinner each year, the contributions of graduates are recognized through the presentation of the Leadership Award and Graduate Literary Award. Both awards consist of a cheque for $1,000. plus certificate. Nominations for the Leadership Award and Graduate Literary Award are now being accepted. The criteria and nomination forms for both these awards are available on line at http://www.utoronto.ca/hpme/alumni/alumni_5.htm

The deadline for application is Friday October 10, 2003.

HPME Alumni Awarded Queen's Medal

Esta Wall (Class of 1973) was awarded the Commemorative Medal for the golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The medal was awarded to Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their fellow citizens, their community or to Canada.

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