D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H    P O L I C Y,
  M A N A G E M E N T   A N D   E V A L U A T I O N

-  N E W S B Y T E S  -


September/October 2003


Office of the Chair



Honours and Awards




Other Notables

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Office of the Chair

A New Academic Year

2003-2004 is expected to be an exciting and challenging academic year. We are very pleased to welcome 33 professional Master's students and 46 research based students, and now have 273 students enrolled in our graduate programs, representing a 50% increase over the past four years. Newsbytes highlights several changes to our graduate programs, recent research accomplishments and ongoing education activities. In many of these initiatives we collaborate with other faculties and departments to take advantage of the synergies which exist within the university community, such as the new Health Care Technology and Place Collaborative Doctoral Program (Education) and the Primary Care Assessment Project's intersectoral and international collaboration and dialogue initiatives (Research). The Hospital Report project, Dr. Jack Tu and Dr. Jeffrey Hoch were recognized this summer for outstanding research contributions (Honours and Awards) and Dr. Terrence Sullivan and Dr. Patricia Baranek's book, "First Do No Harm", received a favourable review from prominent US economist, Uwe Rheinhardt (Other Notables). To keep up to date with events and our ongoing accomplishments, check the New and Notable section of the website frequently.

Welcome to New Faculty Dr. Walter Wodchis

We are also very pleased to welcome Dr. Walter Wodchis to the position of Assistant Professor with teaching responsibilities in the areas of finance and accounting. In 2002, Walter obtained his PhD in Health Services Organization and Management from the University of Michigan where he worked closely with Dr. Jack Wheeler a well known professor of healthcare finance. His area of research aligns well with the work undertaken by HPME faculty on organizational performance and performance measurement. Walter is presently completing a one-year post-doctoral fellow at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. He will become a full-time faculty member in July 2004, teaching Finance to the MHSc students in the interim. For more information about Dr. Wodchis, see the Appointments section of NewsBytes.

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