D E P A R T M E N T   O F   H E A L T H   P O L I C Y,
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September/October 2003


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Honours and Awards

Hospital Reports Recognized by National Public Administration Body

Congratulations to the partners involved with the Hospital Report initiative for being named as a finalist in the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) Award for Innovative Management. The award recognizes organizational achievement in the public sector, with a focus this year on Knowledge Management. The Hospital Report submission was one of eight finalists from 92 submissions across Canada. A plaque honouring the achievement was awarded to the partners involved with Hospital Report at the IPAC annual conference on August 27, 2003, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto.

The Hospital Report partners fared well as the submission and related defense proved that Hospital Reports are innovative, relevant to knowledge management practices and theories, significant in value and an effective contributor to change. Thanks go out to those individuals who represented the partnership before the IPAC jury. The team included Brian Lemon, Hospital Report Strategic Advisory Committee Chair; Marilyn Bruner, St. Joseph's Health Centre; Jack Bingham, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI); Adalsteinn Brown, Hospital Report Research Collaborative at the University of Toronto; and Ann Marie Strapp, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada is a leading Canadian organization concerned with the theory and practice of public management, with 17 regional groups across the country providing networks and forums regionally, nationally and internationally.

Jack Tu Selected as the 2003/04 Canadian Harkness Associate

Jack Tu, HPME Associate Professor, has been selected as the 2003/04 Canadian Harkness Associate.

Harkness International Health Policy Fellowships provide an opportunity for promising researchers and practitioners from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom to conduct a study in the United States that is relevant to health care policy and practice in both the US and the fellows' home country. Canadians are not eligible to apply to be Harkness fellows, but the foundation has struck an agreement with the Commonwealth Fund, to include two Canadians in the program each year as Harkness 'associates'. The associates participate in the exclusive colloquia planned for the fellows, but they are not expected to conduct a research project.

Dr. Tu has a background in medicine (MD from the University of Western Ontario), science (MSc in clinical epidemiology from the University of Toronto), and health policy (PhD in health policy from Harvard University). His key research interests include quality of care for acute myocardial infarction/congestive heart failure patients; risk assessment in cardiac surgery; effectiveness of congestive heart failure guidelines in Ontario; and international comparisons of healthcare systems.

Jeffrey S. Hoch Receives 2003 ISPOR Research Excellence Award for Methodology Excellence

Dr. Hoch, Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, at the University of Western Ontario, and Adjunct Faculty in HPME, was the 2003 recipient of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Research Excellence Award for Methodology Excellence. Dr. Hoch is currently pursuing research on economic evaluation and statistical methodology as well as applied health economics, with special interests in mental health and home care. He teaches the HPME Health Economics course with Dr. Carolyn Dewa and is a member of the Toronto Health Economics (THE) Network.

CIHR Operating Grants

In the CIHR June 2003 Competition, the University of Toronto and affiliated research institutes captured $33.1M of grant funding. Of the 264 grants submitted, 78 were approved - representing a 30% success rate. The national success rate was 29%. The following faculty received grants in this competition:

**names in bold type are associated with HPME as core faculty, and cross-appointed and status-only members

Austin, PC (PI), Alter, DA, Naylor, CD, Stukel, TA, & Tu, JV. Improving The Accuracy Of Health Care 'Report Cards': The Case Of Acute Myocardial Infarction. $48,680 (operating).

Dick, PT (PI), Guerriere, DN, Guttmann, A, To, T, & Whyte, HE. An Outcome Indicator For Morbidity In Medically Vulnerable Infants. $72,325 (operating).

Eysenbach, G (PI), Jadad, AR, Koo, M, & Skinner, HA. Development Of The SUSHI-Q Instrument: Standardized Usability And Satisfaction With Health Information Questionnaire. $85,140 (operating).

Fook, C (PI), Baranek, P, Black, C, McGrail, K & Maslove, L. Population Based Health and Health Services Data in Canada: Current Status and Future Health Research Potential. $224,762 (operating).

Fortin, PR (PI), Kassis, J (PI), Rauch, J (PI), Crowther, MA, Joseph,L, Laskin, CA, Pineau, CA & Yeo, EL. The Role Of Thrombophilic Factors In Persons With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. $130,145 (operating) $15,729 (equipment).

Keshavjee, S (PI). Toronto General Hospital Gene Therapeutic Strategies For Transplant Related Lung Injury. $130,858 (operating)

Laporte, A (PI), Deber, R (PI), Baumann, A & O'Brien-Pallas, LL. Where Do Nurses Work? Work Setting And Work Choice. $43,987 (operating) $2,300 (equipment).

Lawrence, HP (PI) & Laporte, A. Fluoride Varnish In The Prevention Of Dental Caries In Aboriginal And Non-Aboriginal Children. $190,485 (operating).

Lin, E (PI), Andrews, DF, Dewa, C & Rhodes, AE. Data Linkage Using Probabilistic Population Estimation: Implications For Mental Health And Addictions Services Research . $51,992 (operating) $2,500 (equipment).

McGillis Hall, LM (PI), Doran, DM, Pink, GH, Pringle, D & Streiner, DL. Nurse Staffing Models, Resident Outcomes And System Cost Outcomes In Long-Term Care. $120,675 (operating) $11,000 (equipment).

Myers, T (PI), Worthington, CA (PI), Cockerill, R, & Nixon, SA. Rehabilitation Services For People Living With HIV/AIDS: A National Survey Of Selected Health Care Provider Groups. $111,375 (operating) $4,706 (equipment).

Myers, T (PI), Burchell, AN, Calzavara, L, Remis, RS & Swantee, C. Hepatitis C (HCV) infection and co-infection with HIV in an Ontario-wide sample of gay and bisexual men: Prevalence, geographic patterns and associations with sexual and drug using risk behaviours. $116,792 (operating)

Tierney, M (PI), Charles, J, Cott, CA, Jaglal, SB, Lee, JS, Naglie, G, Oandasan, IF & Szalai, JP. Further Development And Validation Of Prospective Risk Factor Models For Harm In Cognitively Impaired Older People Who Live Alone. $146,770 (operating).

Young, NL (PI), Boydell, KM, Fehlings, DL, Law, MC, McCormick, AM, Mukherjee, S, Rumney, PG, Wedge, J & William, JI. What Is The Health And Quality Of Life For "Graduates" From Children's Rehabilitation Centres? Are There Characteristic Patterns Or Predictors? $132,906 (operating) $5,300 (equipment).

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