Dostoevsky Studies     Volume 8, 1987


Nadine Natov: The Ethical and Structural Significance of the Three Temptations in The Brothers Karamazov     3

Milivoje Jovanović: Tekhnika romana tain v Brat'iakh Karamazovykh    45

Diane E. Thompson: Poetic Transformations of Scientific Facts in Brat'ja Karamazovy    73

Rimvydas Šilbajoris: The Karamazovs as a Family of Artists    93

Liza Knapp: The Fourth Dimension of the Non-Euclidean Mind: Time in Brothers Karamazov or Why Ivan Karamazov's Devil Does not Carry a Watch   105

Sophie Ollivier: L'Ambiguite fantastique dans le chapitre des Frères Karamazov: "Le diable. Le cauchemar d'Ivan Fedorovič"   121


Konrad Onasch: Die "Gerechten" und "Stillen im Lande": Zur Kirchenkritik des 19. Jahrhunderts bei Leskov und Dostoevskij   135

Richard A. Peace: Some Dostoyevskian Themes in the Work of Maksim Gorky   143

Marie Thérèse Foncelle: Les Techniques narratives dans Saint Manuel le Bon, Martyr de Unamuno et "Le Grand Inquisiteur" de Dostoievski    155

Marianne Gourg: Dombrovskij commentateur de la Légende du Grand Inquisiteur dans la Faculté de l'Inutile  161

Donald M. Fiene: J.D. Salinger and The Brothers Karamazov: A Response to Horst-Jürgen Gerigk's "Dostojewskis Jüngling und Salingers Catcher in the Rye"   171

Zsuzsanna Bjørn Andersen: The Young György Lukács and Dostoevsky    187 *


Barbara Z. Thaden: Bakhtin, Dostoevsky and the Status of the "I"   199

Susan C. Fischman: Sigmund Freud and the Case of the Underground Man   209

David Patterson: Dostoevsky's Poetics of Spirit: Bakhtin and Berdyaev    219 *


Roger B. Anderson: Dostoevsky: Myths of Duality. (George Gibian) 233

Leslie A. Johnson: The Experience of Time in "Crime and Punishment." (Donald M. Fiene) 234

N.V. Kashina: Chelovek v tvorchestve F.M. Dostoevskogo. (Jerzy Kolodziej) 235

Bruce K. Ward: Dostoyevsky 's Critique of the West. The Quest for the Earthly Paradise. (Rudolf Neuhäuser) 238

Geir Kjetsaa: Prinadlezhnost ' Dostoevskomu: K voprosu ob atributsii F.M. Dostoevskomu anonimnykh statej v zhurnalakh "Vremia" i "Epokha". (Martin P. Rice) 240

Geir Kjetsaa: Sträfling - Spieler - Dichterfürst. (Rudolf Neuhäuser) 242

James L. Rice: Dostoevsky and the Healing Art: An Essay in Literary and Medical History. (Horst-Jürgen Gerigk) 243



The papers by n. Natov, M. Jovanović, D.E. Thompson, R. Šilbajoris, S. Ollivier, R.A.Peace, M.Th. Foncelle, M. Gourg, and Zs.Bj. Andersen were read at the Sixth International Dostoevsky Symposium in Nottingham in August 1986.

*NOTE:  In the original printed text the first pages of the articles by Z.B. Andersen and David Patterson were interchanged. [K.L.]

Published with the support of the Russian and East European Studies committee of the University Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

Copyright © 1987 by the International Dostoevsky Society

Printed and distributed by Razmnoževanje Pleško, Ljubljana, Rožna dolina c.IV 36

University of Toronto