Dostoevsky Studies     Volume 4, 1983


Robert Louis Jackson: Nomination of René Wellek as Honorary President of IDS  (5)

Michel Cadot: René Wellek - on Account of His 80th Birthday  (6)

Horst-Jürgen Gerigk: René Wellek - das Gewissen der Literaturwissenschaft  (7)


Papers Read at the Fifth International Dostoevsky Symposium:

Michel Cadot: L'Occident de Versilov   (13)

Jacques Catteau: Le Christ dans le miroir des Grotesques (Les Démons)    (29)

Horst-Jürgen Gerigk: Dostojewskijs Jüngling und Salingers Catcher in the Rye  (37)

Jostein Boertnes: The Last Delusion in an Infinite Series of Delusions: Stavrogin
and the Symbolic Structure of The Devils  (53)

Ivan Verč: Вечный муж Достоевского и некоторые вопросы о жанре произведения   (69)

Malcolm V. Jones: Dostoevsky, Rousseau and Others. (A Study of the 'Alien Voice' in Dostoevsky's Novels)   (81)

Geir Kjetsaa; Dostoevsky and His New Testament    (95)

Konrad Onasch: Dostojevskij in der Tradition der russischen "Laientheologen"  (113)

Irene Zohrab: Books Reviewed in Grazhdanin (The Citizen) during F.M. Dostoevsky's
Editorship (January 1873 to April 1874)  (125)

Lena Szilard: Своеобразие мотивной структуре Бесов  (139)



Anna Maver Lo Gatto: Достоевский в исслеованиях и переводах Этторе Ло Гатто   (165)

REVIEWS  (173)

Richard Chapple, A Dostoevsky Dictionary (Donald M. Fiene)  (173 )

Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Karamazov Brothers: A Novel in Four Parts with an Epilogue (Donald M. Fiene) (177)

F.M. Dostoevsky, Poor Folk (Michael R. Katz)  (180)

Erik Egeberg (ed.), F.M. Dostoevsky 1821-1881-1981. Fire forelesninger (Four Lectures) (Geir Kjetsaa)  (181)

Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky. The Years of Ordeal, 1850- 1859 (Edward Wasiolek) (182)

John Jones, Dostoevsky (Roger Anderson)  (187)

Malcolm V. Jones and Garth M. Terry (eds), New Essays on Dostoyevsky (Rudolf Neuhäuser)  (190)


Fifth International Dostoevsky Symposium:

Robert Louis Jackson: Inaugural Address (195)

Carl Stief: In memoriam Sigurd Fasting (199)

Nadine Natov: Report of the Executive Secretary (205)

Rudolf Neuhäuser & Martin Rice: Editors' Report  (209)

Michel Cadot: Acceptance Speech (211)

Announcement - Sixth International Dostoevsky Symposium (213)

Dostoevsky Exhibition 

Copyright © 1983 by the International Dostoevsky Society

University of Toronto