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Toronto Slavic Annual 2003Toronto Slavic Annual 2003

Steinberg-coverArkadii Shteinvberg. The second way

Anna Akhmatova in 60sRoman Timenchik. Anna Akhmatova in 60s

Le Studio Franco-RusseLe Studio Franco-Russe

 Skorina's emblem

University of Toronto · Academic Electronic Journal in Slavic Studies

Toronto Slavic Quarterly

No 5 — Summer 2003

From Pushkin to Brodsky

Vadim Perelmuter, "One Word or Two?" (Rus.)

Tatiana Fadeeva, "The Magic Crystal, or the Ancient and Celtic Sources of Two of Pushkin's Fairy Tales" (Rus.)

Vera Kalmykova, "Valery Briusov: Premonitions of the 20th (21st?) Century" (Rus.)

Barry Sherr, "A Note on Brodsky's Poetics" (Eng.)

Synthesizing the Muses

Sergei Bychkov, "On One Unexplained Image in The Igor Tale" (Rus.)

Aleksandr Maslov, "From the Book Hieroglyphs of Time" (Rus.)

Irina Borisova, "Sonata, or What Do You Want from Me?" (Rus.)

Susanna Chernobrova, "From the Book E-mail" (Rus.)


Robert Service , translated by E. Vitkovsky (Eng., Rus.)

Margaret Atwood , translated by M. Gasparov (Eng., Rus.)

"Kings Can Do Anything…", translations of the poetry of English kings, by A. Petrova, preface by E. Vitkovsky (Eng., Rus.)


Olga Rubinchik, "Das Ewig-Weibliche in Soviet Hell" (Rus.)

Konstantin Lipskerov, "A Voice from the Darkness" Edited and with a preface by V. Perelmuter. (Rus.)

Scholars' Hobby Horses

Michail Bezrodnyj, "Meer: Homer" (Rus.)


V. Brio, The International Seminar "European Symbolism in the 20th Century" (May 11-14, 1003, Hebrew University, Jerusalem) (Rus.)

A. Shashkova, "The Image of Petersburg in World Culture" an International Conference (June 30-July 3, 2003, Pushkin House, St. Petersburg) (Rus.)


Stanislaw Siess-Krzyszkowski and Dymitr Romanowski, "Russian Literature in Poland, Russia in Polish Literature," a Bibliography for 2001-02 (Pol.)


Two Slavic Studies Journals by Maney Publishing (Eng.)

Toronto Slavic Annual #1 - 2003 (Eng.)

V. Perelmuter , "Pushkinskoe ekho" Zapiski. Zametki. Esse. "Minuvshee" - "Library of Toronto Slavic Quarterly" Moscow - Toronto. 2003 (512 p.) (Rus.)


Biographical Notes (Eng.)

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